With The Holidays Behind Us Netflix’s ‘Fast.com’ Speed Test Seems To Have Got Its Mojo Back.

by Anura Guruge
on January 8, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Just now. See below for what it was like the week before Christmas.

Click to ENLARGE.

As I discussed in this post, fast.com was reporting suspiciously slow download speeds in the days before Christmas & during the holiday period.

Then a couple of days ago, with the holidays behind us, I noticed — to my relief & delight — that FAST again was back to showing numbers in the range I was used to (& expect to see).

I had suspected that the slow speeds over the holidays were due to Netflix’s servers being overloaded. That theory still holds water.

Well, I will keep on monitoring — since I invoke FAST first thing every day just to make sure that my Internet connection is copesetic. Check it out yourself. Interested to hear what you see. All the best. Cheers.

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