Wishing YOU A Very Happy Chinese New Year 2022; ‘Year Of The Mighty Tiger’, February 1.

by Anura Guruge
on February 1, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. The tiger image is from MY personally autographed ‘David Shepherd‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Another autographed tiger painting I own. This one is an original & the ONLY one.
I bought it, cash, 25 UK pounds, c. 1983, from the artist, a young lady.

Click to ENLARGE. Yes, from our house, today. I like tigers (& masks).

The Chinese New Year is one of the THREE (3) New Years I celebrate each year. The other two being the January 1 New Year &, of course, my Sinhalese New Year on April 14 (or sometimes 13).

The Chinese New Year falls on the 2nd Full Moon after the Winter Solstice. Hence, today — February 1.

It feels early, but it really isn’t. It can be even earlier.

What gets me is that this is the THIRD Chinese New Year where COVID has been an issue.

In 2020, COVID was just raising its head. We still managed to go to Boston Chinatown to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Did NOT last year. The first time in nearly 20 years.

Won’t be going this year, either. I am bummed.

But, Happy New Year.

You can never have enough New Years in a Year.

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