Why The March 2023 ‘Jobs Report’ Is NOT Tomorrow, 1st Friday Of March, BUT March 10, The 2nd Friday.

by Anura Guruge
on March 2, 2023

Click image to access excellent ‘forexlive.com‘ post that explains it all.

Yes, I thought the ‘jobs report’, i.e., the ‘non-farm payrolls’ to be precise, came out on the first Friday of each new month. I was WRONG.

I am not shocked, upset or embarrassed because until a year ago, when the Feds started hiking up interests in anger to fight the brutal inflation, I didn’t pay much attention to ‘CPI’ or the ‘jobs number’. We hadn’t had any interest rates hikes in years. I was not concerned. But, these days I am hugely interested — & of course, one way or another INVESTED — in Fed interest rates & what will happen to them. So, I eagerly await, each month CPI, jobs numbers, Fed Minutes, Fed statement etc. etc.

So, I was waiting to see the jobs number tomorrow.

Then, to my amazement, I heard on ‘CNBC‘ this morning that it will be NEXT Friday, March 10. I thought it was mistake. Then I heard it again. Then I Googled to make sure. Wow. It is next Friday, March 10, rather than tomorrow, March 3.

I, of course, had to know WHY? Come on. Cats have nothing on me when it comes to curiosity. That is how I found the above article. Glad I did. Check it out.

According to it: ” … Bureau of Labor Statistics releases non-farm payrolls on the fourth Friday following the week containing the 12th of a given month …“. Wow. Who knew.

While I was at it, I checked when we get the March CPI — Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 8.30 am (Eastern).

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