Where Or Where Did All The Manners Go … Oh, Where Did They Ever Go?

by Anura Guruge
on October 2, 2021

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My frustration, nay despair as to the lack of manners among folks ‘today’ is NOT new. I have been harping about it for years — as these two posts, from 2015 & 2013, testify.

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Being polite does NOT cost you anything — not even real effort. Being polite makes you LOOK good. Being polite makes you FEEL good.

But increasingly more & more folks are opting to be downright rude & as such downright ignorant.

It is NOT hard, at all, at all, to say ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘, ‘sorry’ or ‘have a good day‘. It is something easy to do.

My adoptive mother, very Victorian & an Anglophile, was obsessed with good manners & ‘class’. I had no choice. She was determined to make me into a proper ‘little’ gentleman with class. Consequently, being polite is second nature to I. I say & WRITEplease‘ & ‘thanks‘ reflexively. It is beyond automatic.

I am at a point in my life when I feel sorry — feel BAD — for folks who have trouble saying ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘ & ‘sorry’. I now realize that it is not just ignorance, cussedness & arrogance. It is an obvious & manifest sign of deep-seated INSECURITY! Yes, rude people are insecure deep down. Check it out. Look around you.

It is insecurity that stops them from being able to say: ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘ or ‘sorry’. They are scared that saying such would make them look weak. I kid you not. They, due to their insecurity, do NOT realized & appreciate that saying ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘ or ‘sorry’ makes you look strong — not to mention refined & polished.

C’est la vie. Life goes on.

I have never had much time for rude folks. Now as I get older I am getting more & more intransigent about this. I just can’t be bothered to deal with rude folks. My life is too short. I am started to just ignore them. The nice thing is that all of them are so insecure & self-centered that they don’t even notice being ignored. That is good. Because, I don’t want to appear to be rude. SMILE.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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