WHEN In 2024 Does Cardinal Jester, ‘John Njue’, Intend To Age-Out As A Papal Elector?

by Anura Guruge
on December 30, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For my March 2, 2023 post.

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Catholic Hierarchy’ website.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia.

This JOKE has to end soon!

He says he was born in 1944. So he turns 80 at some point in 2024.

When he turns 80 he ceases to be a cardinal elector.

We are likely to have a conclave in 2024.

So, we need to know whether he will, or whether he will NOT, be an elector.

That depends on when he admits to turning 80.

He is PLAYING GAMES. He, THE JESTER, will claim his birthday is Dec. 31, 2024 — though I think it should be April 1.

His intent obviously is to stay an elector as long as possible — i.e., for the whole year of 2024.

This is NOT right. This should NOT be allowed. This is making a mockery of all of us. What a CLOWN.

3 thoughts on “WHEN In 2024 Does Cardinal Jester, ‘John Njue’, Intend To Age-Out As A Papal Elector?

  1. admin Post author

    Thank YOU. Happy New Year. I have visions that you are the trusted confidant & advisor to MANY Cardinals & that you have dinner with Christoph, at his castle, at least monthly.
    ** ** **
    I am glad & relieved that you appreciate this problem. There is a chance that Njue might already have turned 80. Babies are born on Jan. 1, 2, 3 …
    What irks me is that this makes a mockery of the Vatican & we have the potential for ‘sede vacantist’ to claim the next conclave was not legitimate because an over 80 cardinal voted in it.
    ** ** **
    I too contacted Nairobi ..
    ** ** **
    I am now going to ask you a HUGE favor. I am writing another book (my 42nd). This book will be on interest to you. So every minute is precious.
    I was going to do this BUT you are MUCH BETTER qualified & equipped PLUS you speak THEIR LANGUAGE — & this calls for e-mailS (plural) in Latin.
    Can you please e-mail a number of folks in Rome … Sec. State, Camerlengo’s office, Dicastry of Bishops, Press Office etc. etc. & ask them to clarify Njue’s birthday.
    ** ** **
    This is making a MOCKERY of YOUR HEROES papacy.
    I was thinking. This would never, never, never … have happened during Paul VI’s, JP II’s or even B16’s papacies. They would have noticed … heard about it & then instructed one of their minions to get it fixed within 24 hours.
    Francis is OBLIVIOUS. No idea. I am not even sure he understand the over 80 rule or the 120 limit. You better than most will appreciate this. A good education is a wonderful thing. This is the ONE THING that Francis & I have in common. Lack of education — but, luckily, I am not pope (… & maybe I should add, as yet).
    ** ** **
    Over to YOU. Please get this sorted out. Many thanks. Pax etc.
    P.S. You must have seen this. I will say one thing. Francis is NOT an anti-pope. BUT … BUT … the Next Pope very well could be because the CONCLAVE could be illegitimate.

  2. admin Post author

    Thank YOU. Much appreciated — despite my flippancy.
    APs are hard to come by in the U.S. The one I have is from 1985! I did NOT expect the AP, even that for 2022, have Njue’s date.
    What is key, as I said in an earlier post, is HIS PASSPORT. Having had passports from 3 different countries, for over 55 years, I know a bit about passport. I know you can’t get one without a birthday. You have to make up a date.
    This really distresses I & even makes me semi-angry.
    Very poor administration at the Vatican. Sloppy.
    Please start sending e-mails. Thanks.
    P.S., I still can’t follow the ‘usurper’ comment. His implication is that Mr. Bergoglio became antipope by usurpation. That is not so. NONE of this matters as much as what the NEXT POPE will have to face IF you & I don’t get the 120 limit & Njue sorted out. IF WE DON’T Next Pope most likely will be an Antipope & I will be the first to state that. SMILE. It is good to be non-affiliated & have a wicked sense of humor. You know that I was never a Christian. I was born a heathen (thank God). I am now (despite my lack of education) a Refine, Born-Again Heathen — who finds popes fascinating. SMILE.
    PAX. Sorry about my sense of humor. I am BAD. But, I commit no sins. SMILE.

  3. admin Post author

    LoL. LoL. I told you SO. Check my post. AGAIN I was 100% RIGHT! I said he would say his birthday was Dec. 32, 2024.
    It amazes me that you, with your education, puts up with these SHAMELESS prelates. Sex crimes, financial crimes & now this.
    I am, starting today, going to start putting it out that the Next Pope, whoever it is, will be an ANTIPOPE. We demand a SCHISM. Conclave FIXED. Invalid. John ‘Idi’ Njue just made it FAKE. FAKE CONCLAVE. FAKE POPE –> antipope. Let’s have a schism. About time. I am excited.
    Google this. I, despite my poor education, went to a fancy London private school. “Mill Hill”. Home of the OED & DNA! Also Mr. Thatcher.
    We had, in the 1960s, two GREAT, GREAT expressions. “Munda Logic” & “Play the White Man”. Both apply here to the new Idi. (I was rather fond of the last one too. I assume you knew him.)
    “Play the White Man” — says “DO THE RIGHT THING”!
    “Munda Logic” — refers to what we British consider African LOGIC.
    I know you are Austrian, so you don’t have OUR background, heritage, culture etc. (That is OK). But, can you SEE an English Gentleman (like I) ever pulling a petty STUNT like this.
    We would have said, “Ol’ chap, to be fair to all, let’s say the birthday is Jan. 1, 2024”. Worst case we would have settled for June 15, 2024.
    Munda Logic. Play the White Man. SMILE.
    SCHISM. Antipope. SMILE. What fun. This is what I live for. The excitement. SMILE. Wonder what Christoph has to say. Please ask him.


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