What Kind Of ‘Scheduling Conflict’ Can Override $28M Ticket To Space?

by Anura Guruge
on July 19, 2021

Click image to access U.K. ‘Independent’ original.
Click image to access U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ original.

Color me: confused, shocked, amazed, whatever.

This does NOT make sense.

I kind of have a feeling that it was a scam. He/she (it was anonymous) bid $28 million, but when it came to forking out that money they did NOT have it. That I can understand. Happens all the time with auctions. Folks bid without having the funds assuming that they will never end up the winner. They enjoy the sport, the adrenaline of being part of the chase. Then they discover to their horror that they WON. They don’t have the money.

Scheduling conflict?

Come on.

It is a Tuesday. So, it is unlikely to be a wedding.

Even a funeral can be postponed.

So, come on. Give us a break. This was a scam.

2 thoughts on “What Kind Of ‘Scheduling Conflict’ Can Override $28M Ticket To Space?

  1. Louis E.

    My impression:
    Bexos liked the idea of taking an 18-tear-old enough to offer the top bidder his money back so that could happen…with NDA attached.

    1. admin Post author

      Interesting. Very interesting. I would think just giving back $28M would not have been enough. He would have had to sweeten the pot. But, if he wanted to take a teenager why didn’t he try for that to start with? Liability could be an issue, though all the passengers must have signed horrendous contracts. Hhhmmm. Interesting.


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