Very First Post From My New ‘AVADirect’ PC.

by Anura Guruge
on November 24, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Yes, the two BENQ monitors, 27″ & 22″ (on purpose). The PC is on the ground, on the left.

Click to ENLARGE. The PC is the BIGGER box. The smaller box, with the two green lights, is my 3TB, RAID 1 ‘Drobo’ that holds all my photos from the last 5 years.

The specs for this new PC, from ‘AVADirect‘ — to replace my 12 year old PC.
Yes, until a few minutes ago I was using a trusty ol’ PC that I had, hand-built, in October 2009!
So, this is a BIG DEAL for I. As my friend ‘Joe’ would say a ‘BFD‘.

Click to ENLARGE. I did NOT go totally overboard. i5, rather than i7. But, splurged on 32GB of memory. I know what is important. 6-cores is overkill for one. Just 2, at most, would have sufficed.

The HUGE difference between Old & New
— power consumption & heat dissipation.

Click to ENLARGE. My office. Colorful like I & surrounded by my toys — the once that are not in the garage, family room or drive.

I fully appreciate that this is a very indulgent & ego-centric post. Sorry. But, this is a ‘BFD’ for I. To say I am fussy, persnickety, fastidious & paranoid about my MAIN, WORK PC is an understatement. Given that I spend at least 8 hours, each & every day I am at home, in front of my main PC means that I form a very close personal relationship with it. It has to be just right.

That is part of the reason I did not get this new PC till now — 12 years after the last one. I new it would be traumatic.

You can laugh. It took me 3 years to get around to finally getting this one. The family get on nagging me in that they knew the other one was old, very old.

This PC was delivered on October 27, 2021 — exactly 4 weeks ago. It has taken me that long to get it to the level that I would be comfortable using it! To be honest, I thought it would take much longer. I was planning to keep on using my old PC until it died — & keeping this (‘$2,000’) PC in ‘mothballs’. But, once I started playing with it, I liked it.

My old PC ran ‘Windows 7 Professional‘. I was worried that I would, given my old age, have difficulty mastering ‘Windows 10’. I was wrong. ‘Microsoft’ has done a good job.

So, here I am. Seated at a new PC after 12 years. Please wish me luck. I am going to need it. Thanks.

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