Vatican Appears To Protest Too Much About Supposed Changes To Papal Election Rules.

by Anura Guruge
on November 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

The vehemency of the protests & pushback makes me suspicious.

Why make such a BIG DEAL claiming that no changes are on the way.

The pope has every right to make changes.

When it comes to the 120 Papal Elector limit, he ACTUALLY has an OBLIGATION to fix that.

It is not like anyone is doing anything untoward, unethical, unlawful or even naughty.

Perfectly above board.

So why this insistence on pushing back? That makes me think that something indeed is afoot.

Now to be fair, I WAS VERY CLEAR in my first post, 2-day ago, that this was ALL HEARSAY.

Kind of funny that ‘The Pillar‘ has had to backtrack, drastically, within 48-hours. They need better sources.

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One thought on “Vatican Appears To Protest Too Much About Supposed Changes To Papal Election Rules.

  1. David .

    Oh man,was The Pillar just writing gossip by some bored blog writers! I thought it made sense,now Pope Francis is in his eleventh year! Fixing the 120 Max would I thought be a responsible thing to do! Pope Francis is the boss-it’s his call ! Thanks Anura for clearing this report mess out.cheers


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