Utterly Shameless Political Ad. Placement In A Local Newspaper — On TOP Of News Stories.

by Anura Guruge
on November 4, 2022

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To be fair it is a FREE newspaper & as such they rely entirely on ad. revenues. So, it is OK. I just found it amusing. A new level of obnoxiousness. Ads being placed across news stories. What’s next — if indeed it is possible to go any further.

I am NOT complaining. It is FREE & as such it is their prerogative & I would never deny that. At least they still have some news — unlike our town rag which no longer even makes a pretense of trying to include some local news. Again, it is free & they get local ads. irrespective of whether they bother to include any local news or not.

Doesn’t really bother me. I get 98% of my news online or from TV.

I just wanted to share this with you, just for edification.

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