Two Of The ‘Pixel 6s’ I Ordered From The ‘Google Store’ Finally Shipped Today; I Cancelled The 3rd.

by Anura Guruge
on December 5, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Todays status. 2 units FINALLY shipped.

As I pointed out just last week it has been frustrating & confusing trying to get some Pixel 6 Pros from Google. I needed two. One for I (to replace my Pixel 5) & another for the wife to replace quite an old Samsung. She wanted ‘Cloudy White‘. I want my phones to be black since I use them mainly as cameras. When taking pictures a black camera/phone is less ‘obvious’. That has always been the rationale & why expensive cameras (these days) are invariably all black.

The Pixel 6 has a much bigger sensor & hence native image size than previous Pixels. As you know, I take quite a few pictures, EVERY DAY — sometimes in the high hundreds if I am travelling. So, I wanted to make sure I would have plenty of space. For a $100 difference it was kind of a no-brainer getting the 256GB rather than the 128GB.

As you can see I ordered the 1st of the 3 phones on November 12, 2021. I went for the UNLOCKED since that was the ONLY 128GB model Google was accepting orders for. Well, you can see the sorry saga.

We are ALL with ‘Google Fi’. So getting a Google Fi model, as opposed to an unlocked, made no difference. Both would have worked, just fine, with the built in software eSIM, on Google Fi.

So, my plan worked. Google lets you cancel, with no penalty, until the time a phone is shipped. So, once I got e-mails confirming the shipment of the two Google Fi phones I cancelled the unlocked. I would not have been heart-broken IF I was not able to cancel. I doubt I would have had trouble getting rid of a brand new, unused Pixel 6 Pro. SMILE.

Well it appears to have all worked out.

I will, however, only be fully relieved when I have the boxes in my grubby paws. That should be in the next few days. I will post a picture. SMILE. They are both Christmas presents.

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