THIRD Tick Of 2023 In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on May 28, 2024

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So, the THIRD one in the last 5 days.

Yes, Yes, YES. I know the dangers. But, alas, it is an occupational hazard. I have to AMBLE daily & I live basically in the woods.

I have been TRYING to stick as much as I can to asphalt. But, I still have to do some ambling on ‘grass’. The dogs expect that from I — & I will NOT let them down. I have my pants tucked in & I check my socks etc. I also try not to go anywhere near branches.

I could be getting them second hand from the dogs.

They are on those EXPENSIVE ‘Simparica TRIO‘ pills. They have been on those pills for 3 years. They seem to work in that tick do NOT seem to attach themselves to the dogs. They just stay on the fur. That is a problem. The ticks FALL OFF — or they get on me.

I have suffered tick bites for over 18 years. I keep on hoping I have built up some resistance against Lyme. But, I dread that it will only be a matter of time. We are EXPERTS on Lyme in this household {alas}.

So, a heads up. The ticks are BACK. The ticks are here. Damn!

They are, however, from what I can see, a tad later than in 2023. I could be wrong on that.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

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