The Moose Atop “Geddy’s” In ‘Bar Harbor’, Acadia, Being Taken Down For Refurbishing.

by Anura Guruge
on February 26, 2023

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Monday afternoon of last week I was hoping to take a picture of this ICONIC moose against what was a light blue sky. But, it wasn’t there! So, I assumed that they must take it down for winter — which would make sense. It would appear that it had fallen off — BUT I had not looked for that. Instead, I just took a picture of the “Testa’s” lobster (below).

Wednesday afternoon I was driving through town when I saw this tall, yellow cherry picker outside of Geddy’s. As you can see from the pictures (above) there were two men in the bucket & the moose was dangling from canvas straps attached to the bucket. I thought they were hauling it up to remount it on the roof. WRONG. They were lowering it. So, I guess it must have fallen off its perch & rolled down the roof. Shame I had NOT looked up on Monday. Good lesson. Always check. It appeared that at least one of the antlers needed work. Did not look too badly damaged.

I parked & ambled to watch the action from ACROSS the road. I did not want to get in their way. They had no trouble lowering the moose down into a waiting trailer. Their problems arose when they could NOT lower the boom of the cherry picker down. So, the bucket, with the two men is still in the air, the moose is on the trailer & they can’t lower the bucket. I think this was their first outing on this cherry picker. The third person on the ground was trying to help & making all sorts of adjustments. It was quite funny. I could tell that they knew I was there taking pictures. So, I kind of felt bad for them & started walking away. They eventually got it straightened out.

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