The Latest Recommended Walking Speed (i.e., Pace) To Reduce Risk Of Dementia — Does It Make Sense?

by Anura Guruge
on September 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Axios’ (link).

Click to ENLARGE.
From my ‘Garmin Epix 2‘, from this morning’s walk.

The 90 steps per minute recommendation is CONFUSING since ‘steps per minute‘ is NOT a commonly used metric.

Smartwatches typically give you your pace — which (in imperial units) is stated as minutes to complete one miles, i.e., minutes per mile, or in miles per hour.

So, I had to convert 90 steps/minute into the units that most of us are accustomed. That is shown in the second image above.

On average there is 2,300 — 2,400 steps per mile.

You need that in order to work out the other speed/pace related measurements. I used 2,310 steps per mile in my calculations.

So, we are talking about a 25.6 minutes per mile pace —
which equates to 2.3 miles per hour.

That is a pretty decent pace.

As it transpires, totally coincidentally, that was EXACTLY the speed at which I was walking today — during my 4-mile morning walk. That is good. I am pleased.

But, I was wearing 7 pounds of weights & also walking two rambunctious dogs. I was also walking on a hill — as you can see from the elevation.

Without the weights & dogs I typically walk at a 20 minute pace –> i.e., 3-miles per hour.

But, the BOTTOM LINE here is that, much to my surprise & delight, this recommended speed guideline is CREDIBLE. Yep, I, of course, will have to say that it is a good pace — given that I walked exactly that today. I can live that. Maybe you should too.

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