The Inaugural ‘Festival at Fort 4’, A Credible Alternative To ‘NH Scot’ & Their ‘NH Highland Games at Loon’?

by Anura Guruge
on June 23, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. Link to ‘Facebook’ post.

Click to ENLARGE. Link to their Website.

I got the top post (above) on my Facebook timeline this morning. I was intrigued. I had to look it up. Hhmmmm!

I am THINKING of going. I have, for the last 8 years or so, COMPLAINED that the Highland Games at Loon have got boring — & that it would be nice to have something different.

Alas & alak, this looks a watered down version of Loon, HEAVY on the GAMES, very (& I stress VERY) LIGHT on the music. That is bummer. I go to the Games for THE MUSIC, rather than the athletics (though I am happy to watch them for a while).

This could be a GOOD START. I wish them well. Just wish there was MORE music.

I am planning/hoping to go. If it looks promising I might even volunteer to help.

Not sure what it is with the SKULLS?

I have never heard of this Fort or being anywhere close to it. So looking forward to seeing what this event & this area is all about.

STAY TUNED. I will sure share all with you. That is what I do.

This is what I said about the Highland Games in 2016.

I just got bored. Very bored. Same thing, year in year out.

I did attend last September after a 7 year hiatus. It was OK.

Click to ENLARGE. 2016 post from my now ‘shuttered’ Old Blog.

I was BEYOND a regular at ‘The Games’. I went 17-years on the trot, most times for all 3-days (staying over in Loon). I started going in 1998.

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