The Horrific ‘Alec Baldwin’ Mishap Had To Have Been Political, Sabotage & A WARNING SHOT At ‘SNL’.

by Anura Guruge
on October 21, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘ a few minutes ago.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google Images‘ when I did a search on ….

I am NOT going to spell this out. IF you don’t get where I am going & where I am coming from, that is perfectly ‘OK’. Just move on. This post is for those that can read between MY lines.

Yes, they have already mentioned that the ‘Prop Boss‘, the person in charge of all the props, was NOT A KNOWN union member & was locally recruited (which would mean in New Mexico rather than what would typically have been California).

I could, of course, & as ever, be wrong. It could prove to have been 100% a tragic accident.

I, however, have this nagging feeling that this was sabotage. A well thought out & executed plot to harm & discredit Alec Baldwin. I think it was political. Revenge for what Alec did in the past.

This will be one heck of a warning to other actors (& possibly actresses) & definitely to the likes of ‘SNL‘.

That is it. I have shared with you what went across my avowedly cynical brain. SMILE.

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One thought on “The Horrific ‘Alec Baldwin’ Mishap Had To Have Been Political, Sabotage & A WARNING SHOT At ‘SNL’.

  1. kaththee

    The producer replaced union workers with locals and you think it was a right wing plot? Right, sure, and Smollett was beaten by men wearing MAGA hats. Sorry, that is your leftist wet dream. IF it was sabotage then it was more likely because Baldwin created hostile work conditions with his tightfisted stingy budget and snubbed his nose at the employees when they dared complain. Baldwin isn’t one bit “liberal” with his pocketbook, but that is no surprise as Hollywood treats people like garbage. A friend of mine on The Living Dead had to act as if she was falling down the steps. She was covered with bruises the next day and in pain. She was supposed to get stunt pay, but she was paid like any other extra. Unfortunately I have heard dozens of these stories of dangerous cruel working conditions for dirt pay and if you ask for what you are owed the set manager gets angry, snide, begrudgingly agrees only to forget and start over with angry and snide if you get up the nerve to remind her. One very sad story in particular involved a number of people being hit by a train coming across a bridge. Alec Baldwin is just like all the rest in Hollywood- a tightfisted miserly hypocrite who makes himself look so “good” with his politics.

    Had Baldwin followed proper set safety protocol that woman would be alive. For one, no one on a set is supposed to be directly in the line of fire. The photographer is supposed to be off to the side of her camera and is supposed to be protected by a barrier as well. Neither of these precautions were taken. If he had been filming in California he would have been forced to follow those protocols and she wouldn’t be dead and her son would have his mother. Also everyone who handles the gun had the right, responsibility and onus to safety check it, including actors. But all that stuff takes time and time is money. Bladwin is a fat greedy b@stard and should go to prison for what he did to that woman. It is too rich that you want to blame this on the right. You wish.


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