‘The Embrace’ , The ‘Martin Luther King’ Monument In ‘Boston Common’, 1-Year Apart — 2023 vs. 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on February 6, 2024

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I go to ‘Boston‘ for my annual Cataract Checkup, at ‘OCB‘ by the BRILLIANT Dr. Theodor Sauer, around this time of year. Hence the visit last year on Jan. 29 & this year on Feb. 5. The 2nd visit, last year, just 7-days later was for Chinese New Year in Chinatown. Yes, the second visit was on a Sunday, while the first (last year) & yesterday’s was during the week. 

In January 2023, the sculpture had just been unveiled ahead of MLK day. There was a lot of publicity, interest and curiosity. That was all good.

Yes, it is still there, of course, & BIG AS EVER. It is imposing.

I (kind of) like it. It is STRIKING. You can’t ignore it.

Yesterday it was EMPTY — as you can see from my pictures. There were two people to begin with — one (shown in the image above) was just using the bench to study her phone. Then there was a lady taking pictures. But, when I offered, she didn’t want her picture taken with it (BUT, then again, she might have been concerned, given my looks, that I might just run away with her phone).

The Commons wasn’t SUPER busy but there was a respectable amount of people.

Boston, on the whole, felt a BIT less crowded.

I kind of suspected that this monumental statue, in time, will get blended in to the Commons, much like all the others. That seemed to have happened. That is OK. It still has presence & tells a story.

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