The Devastating Famine In ‘Madagascar’ Is Real Serious — WE Really Should Rush To Aid (If Nothing Else, Because Of The Movies).

by Anura Guruge
on June 22, 2021

Click image to access the ‘Voice of America‘ article.

You must remember the movies!

In case you are a bit sketchy as to where ‘Madagascar’ is. We (meaning us Sri Lankans) have an affinity with them in that they are also an island and there is just ocean that separates us.

Click to ENLARGE.

I just happened to hear about this dreadful famine on the 11pm BBC News (during my late-night, 1-mile walk). First time I had heard (or read) about it. I did a search on ‘Google News‘ as soon as I got home. Wow. This is bad. This is sad. We really should send beaucoup aid ASAP.

If nothing else ‘we’ owe them for the movies. I am sure that many Americans can only relate to ‘Madagascar’ in the context of those movies (the first two at least which were very good).

Well, as ever, I wanted to bring this to your attention. Now that I know of it, I will try to monitor what we are doing in terms of helping these poor folks.

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