The 20 Cardinals To Be Created, By Pope Francis, At The August 27, 2022, Consistory — By Fr. César J. Tobón, L.C.

by Anura Guruge
on August 17, 2022

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Copyright of this beautiful image belongs to Fr. César J. Tobón.

Another incomparably beautifully crafted & ‘info at a glance‘ cardinal-designate graphic by the remarkably talented & devout Fr. César J. Tobón of Colombia who has provided us with similar & much appreciated, graphics ahead of other cardinal creating consistories and whenever there has been major changes to the Roman curia. His beautiful work is always a joy to behold and an honor to present.

Fr. César J. Tobón also included these words with this graphic:

Thy Kingdom come!
Highly esteemed in Christ,
A cordial greeting from Santiago de Chile. Two and a half months ago Pope Francis announced a Consistory for the creation of new cardinals that will take place on August 27.
With the words of Pope Francis: “
Let us pray for the new cardinals so that, confirming their adherence to Christ, they may help me in my ministry as Bishop of Rome for the good of all the holy people of God.” Regina Caeli of Pope Francis, May 29, 2022.
In addition, I hope to send the updated chart of the Roman Curia once the new superiors of some of the dicasteries are confirmed.
Let us continue to entrust Pope Francis and his Petrine ministry.

In Christ, Fr. César J. Tobón, L.C.

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