Tell Me I Am Wrong, But I Get Upset When A Doctor Keeps Me Waiting For 55-Minutes.

by Anura Guruge
on February 9, 2022

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This chap, who is very impressed with himself (even though he is not even a surgeon), kept us waiting for 55-minutes this morning at Douglas-Wentworth Hospital, Dover, NH. No, it wasn’t for I. Would have walked out well prior to that. NO doctor, bar an exceptional surgeon, is worth waiting that long. YES, I understand that emergencies happen. I am OK with that. That wasn’t the case here. This was INTENTIONAL scheduling with absolutely no regard for the patients. It was my wife who had the appointment. She was in pain. She had a migraine. He kept her waiting for 55 minutes. I went out to ask what was happening. They, i.e., the nurses were curt: ‘Oh, he is running late. He is being chatty!’ I was fuming. As some of you know I value my time. 55 bloody minutes. So much I could have done. I slammed the door in abject frustration. 55 minutes. My wife is hunched over, in pain. He threw me out. He ejected me. It was SUCH a HUGE rush for him. Wow. I didn’t slam the door hard. Just pulled it in — & yes, I have been doing weights. SMILE.

His name is ‘Dennis Thapa’. Dennis is a GOOD name for him. Reminds me of a cartoon character.

I just don’t think it is right. Emergencies YES.

Not to schedule so that you keep patients waiting.

Tell me I am wrong.

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