‘TDS TV+’ Is A JOKE — Only 30 Min. Of Live Show, NO FF On Prior Shows, Low-Definition Video Quality.

by Anura Guruge
on January 13, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. I took these pictures to demonstrate the 30-min. issue.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘TDS’ Website.

I was told, at least 3 times, that I could always go back to the START of a currently airing show. This was REAL IMPORTANT to I.

Let’s say I get up at 8:42 am & switch on CNBC (as I am wont to do). I like to go back to 8am to see what the HEADLINES were. YOU CAN’T. TDS LIED. TDS LIED multiple times. You can only go back 30-minutes. So, at 8:42 am you can only go back until 8:12 am. NOT 8 am.

I am crushed & annoyed.

They even, this morning, had the audacity to send a technician to the house who was going to show me how I can go back to the start of the show. The technician told me point-blank JUST the last 30-minutes. If someone told you otherwise you were misled. Yes, I was LIED to by TDS — multiple times.

Then there is the go back 72-hours feature on SOME channels (& it is both hit-or-miss & v. finicky).

BUT, this feature DISABLES FF & REWIND. Yes, you can Fast Forward. So you either have to watch whatever show it is from the start or just give up. We gave up. STUPID.

Furthermore, picture quality is ABYSMAL.

Picture quality on the old TDS TV was much, much better.

And it isn’t as if they can blame this on us not having enough bandwidth.

We pay the full 1 Gbps service. So, we get as much bandwidth as they deem to give us.

Not impressed at all, at all, with TDS TV+.

TDS TV+ is a JOKE.

I am actually very disappointed & upset with TDS TV+.

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