Tag Archives: WP Carousel Pro

‘WordPress’ ‘WP Carousel Pro’ Plugin TIP — Don’t Use Same Carousel In Multiple Posts.

by Anura Guruge
on February 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. My latest ‘WP Carousels’.

I have at least one post a day where I use the ‘WP Carousel Pro’ plugin. Check out my daily ‘Picture of the Day‘ posts. They all have a WP Carousel at the bottom.

I like ‘WP Carousel Pro’. It does what it promises to do, & does so without any fuss or drama.

But, then on Saturday night I had a problem. All my carousels went haywire. I first thought that WP Carousel must be doing a software update. I had, however, also noticed that I had inadvertently included the same carousel in two posts. That is what happens when you use an old post as a template for a new one — something that I always do. Did not think that this might be the cause of the problem.

On Sunday the problem was still there.

But, before trying to debug that, I went ahead and deleted the inadvertently included carousel. That was trivial. Just deleting that block. I updated the post & went back to the blog to see how it looked.

BINGO. It was all back to normal. ALL the carousels were working perfectly. No problems. All I had done was deleted a reference to a carousel published in another post. I then realized that that was the problem. WOW.

I had not expected that to be the case. But, hey, I can live with that restriction.

So, this is just a heads up.