Tag Archives: Workstation

Getting A Custom Built PC From ‘AVADirect’ — Helped Greatly By ‘Joseph Mundy’, Sales & Support Manager.

by Anura Guruge
on November 6, 2021

Click image to access the magical ‘AVADirect’ Website.

I opted for a ‘Quiet Workstation’. Exactly what I wanted. Didn’t want a gaming PC.

Click to ENLARGE. My ‘Quiet Workstation’ PC from AVADirect. It is totally utilitarian. Not flashy & but packs a fair punch.

Click to ENLARGE. This was my configuration. ‘Joseph Mundy’ was an enormous & invaluable help.
See below for for more contact information.

Click to ENLARGE.

After 12 years I really was in need of a new PC —
just in case the old one finally gave up the ghost.

I had looked at AVADirect, on & off, for a few years. I kind of knew how to configure a PC with them. So, I had another crack — this time more committed than in the past.

I had worked out that I needed to be looking at a ‘workstation‘ rather than any other category. For one, this was the only way I was going to get the type of multi-port video card I wanted — without spending $1,300 just for the card!

I soon ran into problems trying to get the right case — in terms of size. That is how I serendipitously met ‘Joseph Mundy‘ — who proved to be marvelous. He walked me through all the steps. Once, I put together an initial configuration he carefully looked over it & made some brilliant suggestions. Some had to do with circumventing the chip shortage & hence delays. All his suggestions were spot on. I was very grateful.

I made the changes suggested by Joseph, too a gamble on the availability of the PNY video card I wanted, & placed the order. It took them about 9-days to get all the parts in place — including a keyboard & mouse from ‘Logitech’. Joe kept & eye on it throughout the process & kept me appraised via e-mail. It was built & tested exactly 2-weeks after I had placed the order. I had it, 2-days later, via FedEx. That wasn’t bad.

It came in a HUGE, tall box. The main part of the PC well packaged & protected. Maybe too much! I had trouble pulling out all of the pink foam padding packed inside the case. I was worried that I would damage some of the innards. I didn’t have to worry. Alas, the one additional hard drive that I had ordered, mounted on the other side of the case, didn’t do as well — & had not been protected with padding. It had come loose. It was flopping & flapping around. I panicked. But, I was able to get it out & slide the plastic drive carrier back into the rack. That too worked. Just to be on the safe side I got a local PC guy to come & check the whole PC before I powered it up. He checked all the parts & made sure that they were all good.

The PC fired up, in Windows 10, first time. No issues. Most of the updates had been done. It was clean. NO bloatware. We checked it.

I am happy. Very happy. Looks like a decent PC. Will this one also serve me, basically hassle free, for 12-years? Wow. That would be quite the thing. That would get me to 80. I probably wouldn’t want another PC at that age — ASSUMING I live that long. 12 years! That is a long time for an old guy like me.

But this was great. Two thumbs up for AVADirect. I am happy to recommend them. I will even get another from them if I have to. Joseph Mundy made a difference. Not sure whether it would have gone this smoothly without his help. Thank you, Joseph. I owe you.

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