Tag Archives: Women's History Month

For “Women’s History Month”: 10 ‘Modern’ Authoresses That Have Captivated Me Of Late.

by Anura Guruge
on March 7, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. In alphabetical order (I hope).

As regular visitors to this blog know by now I listen to 2-hours of Audible audiobooks every day during my daily 4.5-mile walk. I have been doing this for just over 18 months. During that time I have listened to over 86 books. For I, that is a lot. I am a slow reader. But, devoting 2-hours a day means that I can get through a large swath of books. I am delighted by this. I get to enjoy so many more books than I would have if I only read them.

When it comes to the books I select to listen, there is no rhyme or reason. In many cases I just pick a book based on its title, genre or even the cover! I look at the description & if it sounds even remotely interesting I download it. Yes, I get a lot of books from the (FREE (if you have paid for it)) Audible PLUS library. This way I have come across a ton of books that I would otherwise not have had any idea about.

Well, here are the 10 authoresses that have most impressed me over the last 18 months. They have blown me away. What talent. What class. I am in awe. I wanted to share this list with YOU. Check them out. You will not be dissapointed.

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For “Women’s History Month” Let Me Introduce To You, Outstanding Aussie Author ‘Caroline Overington’.

by Anura Guruge
on March 6, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘The Weekend Australian‘.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia link.

Click to ENLARGE. Yes, like most authors of late, I found her, to MY DELIGHT, on Audible.

She, or to be precise ‘Ghost Child‘ (above), came up as a recommendation, on the Audible (free) PLUS Catalog — given that I am a full, paid-up a year in advance, ‘Prime’ member. I listened to it during my daily, 4.25-mile walks in the morning. I was blown away. She is a GREAT storyteller. What I loved about this book was that it was all plausible. Prior to this book, I had listened to a couple of books that had pivotal plot twists that were improbable. Not so with Caroline Overington. She was spot on. Loved her style.

So, I BOUGHT the second book — ‘ Last Woman Hanged‘. (I had 19 credits. (SMILE)). This was HISTORICAL, non-fiction. Well, I too write historical, non-fiction — albeit, in my case about popes. Well, I would NOT DARE to compare my works to hers. She is genius. I am in AWE. Her research is jaw-dropping. WOW. OK. I will concede that this book is NOT for the casual ‘reader’. There is too much historical arcaneness which will bore many. But, I loved it. I was in awe.

Yes, I plan to read MORE of her books.

I wanted to introduce her to YOU. That I have now done. You will, in time, thank me.

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