Tag Archives: Wolfeboro

‘1964: The (Beatles) Tribute’ Is Back, 8-Years Later, Performing For ‘Great Waters’ Again.

by Anura Guruge
on July 14, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. My pictures from August 8, 2014 @ ‘Kingswood’, Wolfeboro, N.H.

I remember that show from 8-years ago. It was a BLAST.

So, I am excited. I checked their website. From what I can see the 4 performers are still the same from 8-years ago. (Well, that is good & bad. (SMILE)) More experienced, refined & polished, but, just like I, they would also be 8-years older. So, it could be more like ‘1972’. SMILE. I hope not. I am sure they will be outstanding. Well, this YouTube video is from just 4 months ago.

I will, of course, with luck be able post some new pictures & comments after Saturday’s concert under the tent — i.e., ‘Concerts in the Clouds‘.

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Wolfeboro, New Hampshire — The 4th of July, 2022, Fireworks.

by Anura Guruge
on July 5, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

The ‘Wolfeboro‘ 4th of July 2022 fireworks were good. As ever it was a grander display than that at ‘Alton’ the night before — more, slightly fancier fireworks fired with more rapidity though, alas, still manually rather than via a programmed, computer firing system. But, it was good.

Last year’s 4th of July show at Wolfeboro, with COVID still very much in the news, was memorable. The fireworks were fired from a barge moored on the Bay — rather than from the ‘bottom’ playing field at Brewster. See below. Having the fireworks go off over water, as in Alton, made a difference.

But this year we were back to Brewster. I don’t know why.

As with Alton the night before the crowds were light THOUGH the boat traffic looked about par — maybe even a tad above par. I got to Wolfeboro at 9:10. The area around ‘Huggins’ was EMPTY — both of people & cars. Nobody walking towards Brewster! I genuinely thought I had mixed up the dates & as such missed the fireworks. So, I drove on further. Saw a FEW stragglers. NO POLICE. No blue lights. I pulled into ‘Anderson Hall‘ parking. There was plenty of empty spots, so I parked there. By then I could see more people. Strange. I would say we were at 1/2 normal capacity. It was more akin to what I expect at the New Year’s Eve fireworks than those for the 4th.

The show started, promptly at 9:30 & finished a few seconds ahead of 10pm. So, a 30-minute show. Longer than that at Alton.

There was police presence when we were trying to get out. Not as numerous or active as usual. Traffic getting out wasn’t bad. I can’t stress how atypically uncrowded it was. But, it was good. I enjoyed it. Thank you Wolfeboro.

Alton, New Hampshire — The ‘4th of July’ Fireworks Last Night (i.e., July 3).

by Anura Guruge
on July 4, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

It was GOOD to have the fireworks back in Alton Bay on July 3. A definite sign that normalcy is coming back — or in the case of Alton, already well & truly back. I like fireworks — both setting them off myself & shows. I try not to miss any local firework shows. As far as I am concerned you need to see as MANY firework displays as you can during your life.

And given my fondness for fireworks, I stoutly maintain that there is NO such thing as a bad fireworks display. As far as I am concerned they are all ‘good’ per my definition.

Alton Bay, last night, was NOT as crowded as I had expected. To be honest it was only at about 1/2 capacity compared to past years when there had been much more folks, traffic & boats. But, there was a fair crowd & they were happy & content. It is possible that people did NOT realize that the fireworks were on last night. I, as you know, did my little bit to get the message out — though I probably should have done it earlier. Many people still not appreciate that Alton does their 4th fireworks on the 3rd. Alton lets (famous) Wolfeboro have the honors on the 4th (& YES, I plan to be there. (SMILE)).

Given that it wasn’t that crowded parking, at my usual spot, was a breeze. Hardly anybody else parked! As such I was 20 minutes early.

The show started at 9:20 (as stated) & finished around 9:40. Par for the course. Folks were happy.

It was back to normal. That meant that it was also your typical, Alton July 3rd firework show. Nothing too spectacular, just an average, ‘low budget’ production. But, we in Alton are used to it — & to be fair, Alton’s MAIN firework display is reserved for August for ‘Old Home Day’.

It was the accustomed staccato, boom … pause … bang … pause … boom … pause, display culminating in short, climatic finale. We all love that. Most of us wait for it. We know it is coming. Well it came & as ever it was decent. Worth waiting for. I enjoyed it.

Thank YOU Alton (though, as a tax payer, I did my bit to pay for it).

Alton, New Hampshire — ‘4th of July’ Fireworks (Back On) Sunday, July 3, At 9:20pm.

by Anura Guruge
on July 3, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. I took the underlying picture at the July 3, 2019 fireworks in Alton.

Last year, i.e., 2021, due to COVID etc., there was NO public fireworks in ‘Alton’ during the entire month of July.

NOT SO IN 2022.

There will be fireworks, at ‘Alton Bay’, on Sunday, July 3rd starting at 9:20pm.

July 3rd is the traditional day for Alton’s ‘4th of July’ firework display (‘over the Bay‘) so that they don’t have to compete with the show put on by neighboring Wolfeboro on the 4th.

So, the July 3rd fireworks are BACK in Alton.

Got that?

There will be fireworks, over the Bay, tonight.

Easter 2022 Sunrise Service At Cotton Mountain Church, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire — On Secluded Mountain Top — Is At 6am, April 17.

by Anura Guruge
on April 16, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From Google Maps. Type in “Cotton Mountain, Wolfeboro, NH 03894” to get display.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia link.

This Church is not regularly open.

This early morning Easter service is renowned among locals. It has quite the tradition & following. Of course, ALL are welcome, space permitting.

I just thought I would remind a few folks of this.

NO. I have never been. 6am is a bit early for I — especially to go to church.

Happy Easter.

I Got A ‘Pfizer’ BOOSTER To My Original ‘Johnson & Johnson’, COVID Vaccination At 4:28pm Today — In Wolfeboro, NH.

by Anura Guruge
on October 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Please don’t steal or reproduce. I am very shy.

I am rather chuffed that I managed to get a BOOSTER to my J&J 21-Hours After The CDC approval.

A bit bummed that I wasn’t the 1st to get a J&J booster in Wolfeboro. 2 others had beaten me. BUT, I am sure that those two didn’t amble 5-miles this morning BEFORE working on getting the 2nd shot.

I got my ‘over 65’ flu shot while I was at it. Not that I had much of a choice. Walgreen’s online system was rather insistent on that. I was going to get one — as I have done for the last 7 years or so. But, I prefer to get the flu shot around Thanksgiving. But, I wasn’t going to argue. Kill two birds with one stone — though that might not be the best wording to describe vaccinations.

This afternoon, around 1:50pm, I started by checking with the State. Saw that they had given the green light for J&J boosters. So, that was the first hurdle out of the way. I then called Hannafords — my local pharmacy. I kind of suspected that they would NOT be ready. I was right. They said “maybe by Tuesday“. Well, I was NOT going to wait.

I called ‘Walgreens’ in Wolfeboro, NH. I had taken my 15-year old daughter there, earlier this year, for her two COVID shots. I knew they were more on the ball than Hannaford. I called them. They said ‘YES’, but I had to make the appointment online. That was easy enough. I opted for a 4:20pm appointment, today.

The process was not entirely as smooth as I would have hoped. A Pfizer booster for the J&J was still NEW. Luckily the two pharmacist on duty KNEW their stuff — & helped the clerical staff get the paperwork done. There wasn’t as much paperwork involved — because it was a booster. That I had my COVID vaccination card expedited matters.

I was at the counter at 4:15. I was rolling down my sleeves, after getting BOTH shots, at 4:30pm. So, that wasn’t bad.

So far, so good. Haven’t felt a thing. I will keep you posted.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Only In New Hampshire: Body Of 28-Year Female Found In Dumpster Is Considered ‘Not Suspicious’.

by Anura Guruge
on September 12, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘. Also see below.
Click to ENLARGE. ‘WMUR TV’ report.

Ah! Ah? Come on? A body delivered to a waste disposal facility in a dumpster has to be considered suspicious. It doesn’t matter the reputation, history or police record of the deceased. It is highly unlikely they died inside the dumpster.

Once her name was released it was easy enough to do a quick search. Yes, you can easily find stuff on Facebook — including (alas) a ‘GoFundMe‘ link. She, sadly, was the mother of two young kids — one, allegedly, just one year old. I don’t care about her supposed ‘demons’. This has to be looked at as a suspicious, untimely, unwarranted death.

From ‘Facebook’. Need I say more.

I could be wrong (as ever), BUT I have a nagging feeling that New Hampshire authorities appear to have a rather cavalier attitude when it comes to untimely female deaths. Yes, first & foremost my mind invariably starts with the STILL UNSOLVED murder of ‘Stacey Burns, in Wolfeboro, in 2009. Yes, 2009.

Click image to access my 2014 post & from that, links to other related posts.

The ‘Stacey Burns’ murder still bothers me. No, I did not know her. But, Wolfeboro is a place I visit often. It is just 20-minutes away. I often talk to folks about this case — including town/county law enforcement officials. I, having lived in NH for 35 years, know of at least four unsolved murder cases involving females — Stacey Burns being one. Here, per the State (per se) is the supposed list of all NH Cold Cases. Well, you cast your eyes over it.

I don’t have to belabor what I am trying to get at.

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A BIG Factor In The Evacuation Of ‘Afghanistan’ vs. ‘Vietnam’ — The Lack Of A Coastline & Boats.

by Anura Guruge
on September 3, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia link.

Vietnam had a large coastline & lots of boats. In marked contrast, Afghanistan is totally landlocked.

Click to image to access Amazon listing for this book.

Click to ENLARGE. From Wikipedia (originally OoD as stated on picture).

‘Sea Bird’ restaurant in Wolfeboro, NH — my favorite local Chinese. ‘Sea Bird’ was the name of the boat in which the owner, ‘Guy’, escaped Vietnam. Click to ENLARGE.

I will confess that this difference in ‘circumstances’ had not occurred to me. Not that I had given it much thought.

This, i.e., the lack of boats & open water, was pointed out to me by a Vietnam Vet, who actually had been over there during the Vietnam evacuation, last Saturday (at the ‘Folk Festival‘). Wow. A light bulb went on. How true. How germane. I was, of course, very familiar with the ‘Sea Bird’ (above) & knew the story behind the name. But, I had not given the ‘boat people’ much thought in the context of Afghanistan. Definitely is something to think about. How different things would have been if Afghans could have tried to leave the country in boats.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

You CANNOT Get A Booster To The J&J COVID Vaccination — At Least In New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on July 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE.

Over the last 48-hours I checked with two pharmacies, viz., Hannaford (in Alton, in person) & Walgreens (in Wolfeboro, by phone). In each instance I was told that there was no plans to administer a booster for those, like I, who got the J&J vaccination (or (in my case) at least told we got it).

The pharmacist at Walgreens went onto add that she had had a number of folks who had come by that day asking for the same thing.

The State of New Hampshire no longer has any COVID vaccination sites. It is all now done my private entities. You can, however, still use the State Website to see who the providers are & what vaccines they administer. I noted that quite a few places were out of the Pfizer vaccine. Interesting.

I am NOT willing to lie in order to get a booster, i.e., claim that I have yet to be vaccinated. They do ask for an ID & I know that they have to register it. I don’t want to stand there while being told that I was trying to ‘scheme’ the system. It even might be a minor offense. Will they — can they — call the police? I don’t intend to find out.

Yes, maybe if I was ‘special’ I could get a booster. But, I am far from special.

Well, I just thought I should share this with you. IT could be different in other States. I will have to find out. I can easily go to Massachusetts or Maine IF I could get a booster over there.

Wolfeboro (N.H.), 5th of July 2021 Fireworks — One Of THE BEST — & 16 Photos That Capture The Magic.

by Anura Guruge
on July 6, 2021

Click to ENLARGE for FULL-SIZE ENLARGEMENT use Slideshow at bottom.

I have been going to Wolfeboro (N.H.) fireworks, both in July & on New Year’s Eve, for decades — only missing a handful, at that.

Yesterday’s fireworks, the 1st post-COVID, was, I am SURE, the BEST display we have been treated to in many years — if not the very BEST (in modern times).

It was done from a barge moored on the Bay — as opposed to from the ‘bottom’ playing field at Brewster. Having the fireworks go off over water made a difference. [We in Alton (N.H.) are used to this.] Makes a difference as you can see from some of the pictures above. I tried to get as many showing the water, the boats & the reflections. [I have practice from Alton.]

I am sure they upped the budget for this firework show. More variety & that was noticed & appreciated. The show lasted about 28-minutes — a few minutes longer than usual.

It was good. Very good.

THANK YOU, Wolfeboro. You did us PROUD.

I took close to 280 photos — all with my phone. (See below) I didn’t bother to take either one of my two cameras. I took a tripod BUT ended up not using it. There were two ladies taking pictures with pukha cameras. At the end we compared pictures. They conceded that they might have been better off using MY phone. SMILE.

I whittled my cache from 280 down to 250. I need to weed out some more. But, here is a montage of those 250 pictures.

| All taken with my (Jan. 2021) Google Pixel 5. | NO Post processing. | Attribution might be ENFORCED. |