Tag Archives: wind chill

Last Night Was Brutal, But Today at 1.4F (-17C) It Was BEAUTIFUL — Ambled Lazily For 1 hour 46 minutes.

by Anura Guruge
on February 4, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. No special gear. Just what I have lying around.

Last night when the temperature plummeted to -18F (-28C) & the wind was HOWLING, it was BRUTAL. Scary. I was worried we would lose power. That would have been dangerous & not too much fun. But, luckily we didn’t. So relieved.

We had been told that the temps would start rising as of Saturday morning & they sure did IN FRONT of your eyes. -13F when I woke up (at 9am (SMILE)). They said it would be 4F (-16C) by 3pm. It never got to that, BUT we are also at a 800′ altitude.

It was 1.4F (-17C) at 3pm & that was PLENTY WARM ENOUGH for I.

After my first decade in New Hampshire (& I am now in my 3rd), I always maintained that anything above 0F (-12.2C) was a breeze. I am FINE with above 0F. 1.4 was bloody balmy.

Had a great amble. Good book on ‘Audible‘. NO WIND. Nothing.

I had a blast. I feel sorry for those who don’t go out in beautiful weather like this.

I sure had fun.

I have walked at least 10,000 steps, EACH & EVERY DAY, since April 17, 2020.

Today was day 1,023 if my unbroken 1,022 STREAK.
2 years 9.5 months.

And I had 3 eye surgeries during that time. I got in my steps before & AFTER the surgery. The surgeon knew of my need to walk & put in EXTRA STITCHES!

I Did Go Out In The Cold (& Wind Chill) This Morning — Had To Get In My 10K Steps/Day (Or Die Trying).

by Anura Guruge
on February 3, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

OCD & discipline are terrible things. I will NOT wish them on anyone.

I have walked at least 10,000 steps, EACH & EVERY DAY, since April 17, 2020.

That is an unbroken 1,022 day STREAK.
2 years 9.5 months.

I couldn’t the cold defeat me WITHOUT a valiant fight.

Plus -5F (-20.5C) is my nominal cut-off.

This morning it was 3.4F (-15.8C). So, I had NO EXCUSE.

Dressed up as much as I could. Use a face warmer. It still did a job on my LUNGS. SMILE. What can I say.

Wasn’t too bad. I even built up a sweat. Might still get a lung infection.

Well, another 18 hours to go. Keep your fingers crossed for I. I need it.

Not thinking about tomorrow. Need to get tonight out of the way.