Tag Archives: wild blueberries

A Truck Carrying Blueberries Must Have Had To Hit The Brakes Hard — It Shed A Fair Load.

by Anura Guruge
on July 27, 2021

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I came across it on my morning walk. There was a HUGE red stain on the road right before a major junction & a stop sign. It looked like the mother of all roadkills. I thought that a poor deer, a very large one at that, had met its end. Then I started seeing the blueberries, lots of them, by the side of the road. It wasn’t blood. It was squished blueberries. There was a few hundred dollars worth of fruit on the ground. SHAME.

Prospect Mountain Road‘, off which we live, has quite a few large, sprawling wild blueberry fields stretching across rolling hills. Most of these fields are commercially farmed. The accident was exactly 1-mile from this road. I know. I know all the distances around here from my daily walks.

It had to have fallen off the back of a truck or an open back window of a SUV. We are talking LOTS of blueberries. I am kind of surprised that no attempt was made to pick up the fruit that was on the ground. Remember we are talking wild blueberries. You pick them off the ground.