Tag Archives: whales

I Think Recent Whale Behavior Off The Coast Of New England Is Due To Climate Change.

by Anura Guruge
on July 24, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. This from ‘NPR‘. Google for more.

Whales I encountered in Mass last year.

I don’t have the numbers but we sure seem to be seeing and hearing about more and more whales coming close to shore — into harbors — and, in the case above, doing some unusual things.

Maybe there are cycles. I don’t know. While I like whales, and seen a few, I am no expert on whales.

I just have a feeling that this could be due to climate change and the warmer waters. Something to keep an eye on.

Real glad that there were lots of boats around to rescue these two poor fishermen. It had to have been mighty scary. Hope they had good insurance.

My Abiding Memory Of ‘Nantucket’, Mass Will Be Of Traffic, Noise & Congestion.

by Anura Guruge
on November 19, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Going to Nantucket, in particular the Whaling Museum was on my bucket list.

I am glad I went and the old building had me captivated. Just LOVED the ‘Atheneum’. WOW. What a library. I gave them a copy of my Christmas book. Not sure whether they will keep it. {Smile}

But, it was NOT like visiting one of the islands off Maine. Like night & day.

It was mid-November — November 15. I thought it would be quiet and sedate. Not so. Busy, busy, busy … rush, rush, rush. I felt crowded in & rushed all through the visit. The ferry, both ways, was packed and not relaxing.

Not my kind of place. SMILE.

Me At The Famous Whaling Museum in ‘Nantucket’, Mass. — Nov. 15, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on November 19, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Visiting this museum was on my bucket list.

I have had a lifelong fascination with whaling. I knew that this museum is considered one of the best.

Very well laid out, lit & amenable museum.

It, fortunately, was NOT crowded — the only place in Nantucket that wasn’t. Glad of that.

Not as EXTENSIVE as I had hoped.

Just one BIG — & rather famous — whale skeleton. I am sure I have seen bigger in other museums. I will have to check.

No regrets, however. I could have spent more time, BUT I had a FERRY to catch.

Not sure whether I will ever go back. But I am ALREADY planning to go to the museum in ‘New Bedford’, Mass. Stay tuned.

Whale Watching At ‘Chatham Beach’, Mass., This Last Thurs., Nov. 16, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on November 18, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click on images to ENLARGE.

Totally unexpected and as such even more exciting and special.

Never even occurred to me that you would be able to see whales FROM ASHORE at this time of year — on the Cape. I like Chatham Beach and just stopped to enjoy the scenery.

Then, a very kind gent (in the construction industry), having his lunch in his truck, drew my attention to the BLOW. I guess I would have eventually spotted them myself. But, I am immensely grateful to him.

There were between 4 to 8, if not more. Soon there was quite a few people at the lookout I was at — & three boats by the whales.

Nobody was 100% sure but the belief was that they were BLUEFIN WHALES.

I watched with my binoculars for a long time before I was ready to take pictures with my camera.

Yes, over the years I have seen quite a few whales, some very close at hand (like touching distance)! But, it never gets old. Always special.