Tag Archives: West Indies

The ‘West Indies’ Cricket Team Is An Anachronism. No Need Now. Throw The Bums Out Of The ICC.

by Anura Guruge
on July 17, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. From my old blog, from 9 years AGO.
Click to ENLARGE. THE letter.

They no longer can play cricket, especially Test cricket. They proved it again, this week, with their amazingly inept performance at (my beloved) “Lord’s”. They are a disgrace to International cricket.

They are not a cohesive, unified team — & NOW never will be. You can’t play for a country that doesn’t exist. A fake country. That is my WHOLE point. There is NO country called the ‘West Indies‘ — never have been & never will be.

All the other ICC teams represent a COUNTRY.

The West Indies is NOT a country.

That is why they play like pillocks. Yes, it did NOT used to be like & I speak of one who has a son named after ‘SIR Gordon Greenidge‘. But, now they have quite literally LOST IT. No identity. No team spirit. Time to kick them out.

Very simple. Only genuine, bona fide countries belong in the ICC.

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Was The ‘West Indies’ vs ‘England’ World Cup T20 Match Rigged, i.e., Fixed? It Was UNREAL!

by Anura Guruge
on October 24, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

Click image to access my post. Thank you.

They, i.e., the mercenary ‘West Indies’ bunch of clowns, threw this match away. It had to have been RIGGED. Match Fixing. No other explanation. Gamblers, i.e., those that bet on these games, would have made BILLIONS.

I have said it before (above) & I will say it again. The ‘West Indies’ should NOT be allowed to participate in International events.

There is NO country called the ‘West Indies’.

It is just another commercial franchise.


Namibia, Oman, Afghanistan etc. etc. are ALL genuine countries. Their players are playing for their COUNTRY. Not so with the West Indies. They are ONLY playing for money.

Throwing this match was a way to earn BIG BUCKS.

Throw the buggers out of International cricket. Please. No place for them. Just a bunch of shameless con artists.

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If ESPN(+) Stops Working On Your Roku With An Inane “OKAY” Message — Your IP-Address Inadvertently Blocked.

by Anura Guruge
on June 27, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. The ESPN channel will look like this …

Click to ENLARGE. Posting on ‘Roku Community’ forum.

On Saturday, June 26, 2021, I clicked on my ESPN channel on my Roku (so that I could logon to ESPN+ to watch the T20I between the West Indies & South Africa). The ESPN channel would NOT LOAD. Got a blue screen similar to that show above. I first thought that the ESPN servers were overloaded given that I knew that there was a lot of soccer taking place in Europe.

Tried a few times on Saturday. No luck. Waited until Sunday … today, i.e., June 27, 2021. Still no joy.

Couldn’t REMOVE the channel. Why? Because I had an ESPN+ subscription. I worked that out. I cancelled the subscription. I knew it was easy enough to reinstate. Bingo. Could remove channel.

Reinstalled channel. Restarted Roku. Nothing. Problem persisted.

Checked the ‘Roku Community‘ forum. Did my own post. Googled the problem. Saw that a number of folks were saying ‘Contact ESPN‘.

I thought it would be impossible to get in touch with ESPN support. I was wrong. I was able to get CHAT support in under a minute. Yes, when through the inevitable preliminaries. Then I told them that I had seen that folks were talking about ‘blocked IP-addresses‘. She agreed that that probably was the problem.

Gave her my IP-address.

She unblocked it. Bingo. I was back in business.

She said that the ESPN engineers weren’t sure why some IP-addresses were getting accidentally blocked — but they were invariably those associated with Roku devices.

So, you now know what to do.

‘Rockwood’, The Rhino Conservation, Promoted By South African Cricket Hero ‘Quinton de Kock’ With His ‘W’ Sign.

by Anura Guruge
on June 13, 2021

Rockwood Conservation
Click image to access the ‘Rockwood Conservation’ Website.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘SACricketMag’ — with thanks.

Well, Quinton de Kock’s brillant 141* not out against the West Indies this weekend had to be one of the best things that could have happened for this worthwhile South Africansave the Rhino‘ effort. When he scored his half-century & century he made the ‘W’ sign shown above. He had to explain what it meant. It was supposed to be for the ‘W’ in Rockwood. Plus, he has a ‘Rockwood’ banner on his bat.

This was GREAT. I am happy. I am big into conservation & I am a big fan of Quinton. I love watching him bat.

I have NOT worked out what his ‘stand’ is about ‘Black Lives Matter‘ (BLM). That could become an issue. I don’t think I can ‘like him’ (as much as I do) IF he does NOT support BLM. But, for now he is doing a great job for South Africa & rhinos. So, I am happy about that.