Tag Archives: Walter Reed

Continuing Health Crisis Of ‘Lloyd Austin’ Highlights Dangers Of Prostate Surgery & Calls Into Question Competence Of Famed ‘Walter Reed’ Hospital.

by Anura Guruge
on February 12, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

I feel very bad for him. I know what it is like to have ‘minor’ prostate issues — & his are NO LONGER minor.

He should NOT have had prostate surgery. That was STUPID. STUPID. Prostate surgery never goes well. People always end up with issues. Yes, he is having MORE than his fair share. That is a shame. But this brings into question as to what the heck ‘Walter Reed’ was up to.

When I had my prostate issues I was told to go see an urologist who had been an army doctor. He told me, straight up, on my first visit, that being an army doctor is the BEST TRAINING for an urologist because “we have no shortage of men who need care“. So, you would think that doctors at Walter Reed would be good at this. I, however, have my doubts — now. Well, I will never get treated at Walter Reed — so I don’t need to really worry.

I wish him the best. We are the same age THOUGH he looks old enough to be my father and moves like he was my grandfather. Obesity is never becoming.