Tag Archives: walk

ANOTHER Poor ‘Bambi’ Didn’t Make It Across The Road, Alas.

by Anura Guruge
on May 15, 2023

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The one on January 14, 2023 — 4 months ago (more or less to the day). You can see the snow in January. No snow today.

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This one was about the same distance from the house, viz., about 1/4 mile — but on the other side, so to speak. Unlike the roadkill in January I did NOT stumble upon this one. I was told about it & I actually went looking for it this morning (during my amble). Wasn’t hard to find.

I gather the accident happened on Thursday or Friday LAST WEEK! I am surprised it was still there. It was beginning to deteriorate. I heard there was a lot of fresh blood on the road the day it happened. The blood is still there BUT it is totally tried & semi-soaked in.

Wasn’t a pretty sight. Shame. I hate to see this.

But, we do seem to have a lot of deer this year. I have seen quite a few. I can’t tell you whether it is more or less than usual since I just don’t know. I am NOT a hunter. I know that this is when we start getting the babies. I hope we don’t get too many killed on the road. What a waste. And they do do damage to cars. I have seen it.

Let’s hope that I don’t see anymore this year, though I have a sinking feeling that I will be dissapointed.

Poor ‘Bambi’ Didn’t Make It Across The Road, Alas.

by Anura Guruge
on January 14, 2023

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Wasn’t a pretty sight & I had zero warning that I was going to come up upon it.

Yes, on my usual, daily, 4-mile jaunt — along a route that I haven’t traversed in 10-days or more. So, not sure how long it has been there. I only took this one picture, so you can’t see that its backside has been fairly well chewed over. Its poor tail is totally detached.

It was in a ditch, on a slight incline — of course, by the side of the road (viz. our famous ‘Hollywood Beach Road‘). Coming up the incline I saw a large crow in the ditch pecking at something. It flew away as I got closer.

Then I crested the incline & BANG … it was there. It was a bit of a shock. Shame.

I Saved A Dragonfly Today.

by Anura Guruge
on August 18, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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I spotted it, on its back, on my walk this morning. It was a hot morning & the paving was hot. From a distance I thought it was dead. When I got closer I could see that its feet were ‘pedaling’ furiously. It was trying to right itself but having no luck. I think it was the hot paving.

My first concern was to prevent Rowen from trying to eat it. I got her under control & far enough away so as to not impede my efforts.

I didn’t want to use my hand. OK. Truth me known I am kind of squeamish when it comes to any insects. I can kill them, but I don’t like touching them unless I am really forced to. BUT, there was another reason. Touching it by hand could have harmed it. I know that we have oils on our hands (even when we are not sweating (as I happened to be)) that can harm their wings. Plus, my touch might have been too ‘strong’. So i went looking for a suitable, small stick. I found one.

Only took one expert flick. It was back on its feet. The pictures tell the story. it seemed to be fine. After letting me take a couple of pictures it flew off. I was happy. I like dragonflies.

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