Tag Archives: Walgreens

I Got My 3rd COVID-19 BOOSTER Today, 5.75-Months After My 2nd Booster.

by Anura Guruge
on September 25, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Well, it appears to have worked so far, so I am GAME to go along. I am sure I will get COVID at some point — I sure seem to be meeting folks, with increasing regularity, who have got COVID despite having had Boosters. I just like to delay it as long as possible — plus getting the boosters costs me nothing, bar some time & effort. Well, I did it.

This time around I was a few weeks behind, mainly because of my last trip to Maine in mid-September. The other two times I got my booster within days of becoming eligible!

Let’s wait & see. Fingers crossed.

I also got my annual flu shot while I was there. This was by far the earliest I have got the flu shot. I typically like to get it around Thanksgiving. Well …

They (i.e., ‘Walgreens’) didn’t have the pneumonia shot that I had also signed up for. Damn! Need to get that at some point. Going for my DREADED annual physical on Tuesday. Maybe they might have it.

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I Got A ‘Pfizer’ BOOSTER To My Original ‘Johnson & Johnson’, COVID Vaccination At 4:28pm Today — In Wolfeboro, NH.

by Anura Guruge
on October 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Please don’t steal or reproduce. I am very shy.

I am rather chuffed that I managed to get a BOOSTER to my J&J 21-Hours After The CDC approval.

A bit bummed that I wasn’t the 1st to get a J&J booster in Wolfeboro. 2 others had beaten me. BUT, I am sure that those two didn’t amble 5-miles this morning BEFORE working on getting the 2nd shot.

I got my ‘over 65’ flu shot while I was at it. Not that I had much of a choice. Walgreen’s online system was rather insistent on that. I was going to get one — as I have done for the last 7 years or so. But, I prefer to get the flu shot around Thanksgiving. But, I wasn’t going to argue. Kill two birds with one stone — though that might not be the best wording to describe vaccinations.

This afternoon, around 1:50pm, I started by checking with the State. Saw that they had given the green light for J&J boosters. So, that was the first hurdle out of the way. I then called Hannafords — my local pharmacy. I kind of suspected that they would NOT be ready. I was right. They said “maybe by Tuesday“. Well, I was NOT going to wait.

I called ‘Walgreens’ in Wolfeboro, NH. I had taken my 15-year old daughter there, earlier this year, for her two COVID shots. I knew they were more on the ball than Hannaford. I called them. They said ‘YES’, but I had to make the appointment online. That was easy enough. I opted for a 4:20pm appointment, today.

The process was not entirely as smooth as I would have hoped. A Pfizer booster for the J&J was still NEW. Luckily the two pharmacist on duty KNEW their stuff — & helped the clerical staff get the paperwork done. There wasn’t as much paperwork involved — because it was a booster. That I had my COVID vaccination card expedited matters.

I was at the counter at 4:15. I was rolling down my sleeves, after getting BOTH shots, at 4:30pm. So, that wasn’t bad.

So far, so good. Haven’t felt a thing. I will keep you posted.

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You CANNOT Get A Booster To The J&J COVID Vaccination — At Least In New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on July 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE.

Over the last 48-hours I checked with two pharmacies, viz., Hannaford (in Alton, in person) & Walgreens (in Wolfeboro, by phone). In each instance I was told that there was no plans to administer a booster for those, like I, who got the J&J vaccination (or (in my case) at least told we got it).

The pharmacist at Walgreens went onto add that she had had a number of folks who had come by that day asking for the same thing.

The State of New Hampshire no longer has any COVID vaccination sites. It is all now done my private entities. You can, however, still use the State Website to see who the providers are & what vaccines they administer. I noted that quite a few places were out of the Pfizer vaccine. Interesting.

I am NOT willing to lie in order to get a booster, i.e., claim that I have yet to be vaccinated. They do ask for an ID & I know that they have to register it. I don’t want to stand there while being told that I was trying to ‘scheme’ the system. It even might be a minor offense. Will they — can they — call the police? I don’t intend to find out.

Yes, maybe if I was ‘special’ I could get a booster. But, I am far from special.

Well, I just thought I should share this with you. IT could be different in other States. I will have to find out. I can easily go to Massachusetts or Maine IF I could get a booster over there.