Tag Archives: vodka

In Solidarity With Ukraine, New Hampshire Joins Others In Spurning Russian Vodka.

by Anura Guruge
on February 26, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Like Pope Francis’ personal visit to the Russian Embassy to the Holy See, this is purely & totally a symbolic gesture. But, it is better than none.

Russian vodka, cheaper than the ‘real’/good stuff from Sweden, is very popular in New Hampshire. But, Russia will not feel the pain of this boycott. We, i.e., New Hampshire, has already bought & paid for this stuff. So, it is the State that is initially taking the financial hit. Yes, it will mean that we will, in the months to come, order less. But, that is down the road.

Every little bit helps. So, I am glad.

We need to stand in solidarity with Ukraine.