Tag Archives: virtual lego

Virtual Lego (For The Metaverse) Fills Me With Dread & Sorrow!

by Anura Guruge
on April 14, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click on images to ENLARGE them.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Mecabricks.com‘.

The two Lego kits built by my daughter in the last 3.5 months. Nearly 10,000 REAL pieces!

The last BIG Lego kits I built — two Sopwith camels. One wasn’t enough. {Smile}

The one WAITING to be built by I. I have had this for over 10 years unbuilt!

The Lego kits I bought I had bought 2014 — 2019.

The images above should give you an idea that I am very serious about Lego & somewhat of a Lego fanatic. Though I have NOT done a big build in the last few years, I still love Legos. I like to have Legos around me, in the house. I got very upset at Christmas 2019 when, for the first time in 27-years, we did not have a single Lego kit under the Christmas tree. I have since rectified that — with a vengeance. I am sure I do not have to elaborate. You must get the drift. I am serious about Lego. Not something I take lightly.

So, I am distressed & sad to see this new trend with Virtual Lego — & Lego for the Metaverse. YIKES. My 16 year old daughter, despite her own addiction to Lego, sees this as being nothing more than a different spin to ‘Minecraft‘ — something she was into a few years ago.

I see it differently. Lego is tactual. All about touch & feel. The click of the bricks locking together. You feel that in your fingers. It is satisfying. Yes, of course, the comparison (though somewhat crude) is obvious & has to be stated. Virtual sex vs. the real thing.

Yes, I also understand that there are many that can’t afford Lego. Yes, I do realize that. That makes me sad. Yes, I love giving Legos as presents. So, if you can’t afford Lego then virtual Lego is better than none. I get that. But, to I, that is the ONLY exception & excuse. IF you can afford Lego then the real thing is so, so, so superior to the virtual.

I feel much better now that I have said this. It was bothering I. {Smile}

From ‘Amazon‘.

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