Tag Archives: Virgin Mary

Pope Francis Donating a GOLDEN Rose To An Icon At This Time Of Global Strife & Suffering Is TONE-DEAF!

Click to ENLARGE & view here. Link to ‘Vatican News’.

Yes, yes, I know it is an ancient papal traditions. (I have written about it before.) BUT, it is also NOT mandatory. Not something a pope has to do every year. Actually, Francis did NOT present a Golden Rose in the last 2 years.

I could ask “What was the pope thinking?” — but we all know the answer.

But, we know the answer to that, alas. The pope is NOT thinking. He is too old & ill. He is kind of on auto-pilot.


Classy thing would have been to present a PAPER ROSE and say the money for the GOLDEN one was given to kid in need.

I will conclude this with these THOUGHTS:

>> What has the pope done for us of late?

>> What has the Virgin Mary done for us of late?

And to that point, don’t forget SHE IS A JEWISH MOTHER! Hhhhmmmm. Amazing.

Image Of ‘Virgin Mary’ With Very Prominent ‘Opening’ — An Example Of ‘Vesica Piscis’

by Anura Guruge
on August 5, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE. Taken yesterday at the ‘Gardner Museum‘.

Click to ENLARGE. A Google search. Do your own.

I saw the above bas-relief at the ‘Isabella Stewart Gardner Museumyesterday. I had not noticed it during my first visit 6-weeks ago. It is on the first (i.e., ground) floor, in the open corridor (by the courtyard) close to the stairs going up.

I had to do a double-take. I first thought that it was an image of Jesus. But, then it was obvious, from the clothing if nothing else, that it was meant to be feminine & was the ‘Virgin Mary‘.

Well, you can’t miss the ‘opening‘ — even if you tried. I had never seen this imagery.

Luckily there was a young docen right there — keeping an eye on the stairs. I engaged him. He was delighted to talk about it. Appears that he is also fascinated by this image. He had actually studied symbology in college. He even took me over and pointed the two ‘horns’ (on her head) I had not noticed. ENLARGE the image & have a look. It is very clear.

He told me to look up ‘Vesica Piscis‘. I did. I had never heard of it — & I have studied some amount of symbology (thanks to my fascination with ‘The Da Vinci Code‘). Appears that vesica piscis is a very old, widely used & significant symbol.

In the context of the Virgin Mary it represents the obvious. The birth canal (or the womb). It represents the Universal Beginning.

This makes sense. I had studied the related concept when it came to the entrances of cathedrals (in particular) — but, in general, most churches. See image below. Again, once you ‘see it’ there is no taking it back. Yes, the same thing. The entrance to the birth canal. In the case of church entrances it is to take you back to your roots. Look carefully. I circled them in the above image. Some entrances go as far as having a circular protuberance at the apex. They are not leaving anything to doubt.

Click to ENLARGE. A Google search.

This was quite the discovery. When time permits I intend to do more research. I did a quick ‘Google Lens’ on the image. I didn’t come across similar ones. But, I need to dig deeper.

P.S., This bas-relief was done in the 16th century. The date appears below it.

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