Tag Archives: vice camerlengo

ANOTHER Small Detail That Will Have To Be Sorted AHEAD Of Next Conclave — Vice-Camerlengo.

Click to ENLARGE & view here. Includes snippets from my ‘The Conclave‘ book.

With both my Christmas books done & PUBLISHED, I finally have some time on my hand. Wow. Nice feeling.

So, I decided to do some Pre-Conclave research.

Stumbled on what looks like an overlooked detail.

Currently Archbishop Ilson de JesusĀ Montanari is BOTH Vice-Camerlengo & Secretary to the Dicastery of Bishops. That is fine & dandy, UNTIL we have a conclave.

Then we have a slight problem. The Secretary to the Dicastery of Bishops, SINCE 1965, is AUTOMATICALLY chosen as the Secretary to the Conclave.

That is the problem.

He, the good Archbishop, can’t do both jobs come the conclave.

The Vice is NEVER a cardinal elector BECAUSE he has to stay outside.

The Secretary has to GO INSIDE. Can’t be BOTH inside & out.

NOT A HUGE problem.

The conclave duties of the VICE are pretty mundane. Supervise perimeter border security. They can just assign someone else to do that.

HE would want to be the SECRETARY — & thus be PART of the conclave. He could also potentially get a red hat for being secretary. So, he will ask to be secretary. The Camerlengo can sort that out, without a pope being around.

So, a small wrinkle. Nothing serious. Something to bear in mind come the inevitable sede vacante.

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