Tag Archives: Vatican III

Does Pope Francis Have The Chutzpah To Convoke ‘Vatican III’ To Consolidate His ‘Vatican II’ Desires?

by Anura Guruge
on July 17, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From a rather good novel re. mid-20th century popes.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE. From one of my magic Papal Excels.

Well, there are enough Catholics, particularly in the U.S., that already think that Pope Francis is mad. So, part should not be a problem. The real question is does he, for all his swaggering bravado, have the chutzpah to make such a monumental call.

He should. It has been 60 years since the start of Vatican II.

The average gap between the Ecumenical Councils is 81 years — BUT that is grossly distorted by a FEW extremely long gaps, e.g., 324 & 254. As you can see from the 3rd image there were times when councils were held on a more frequent basis.

It also used to be the case that Councils were held to clarify, confirm & consolidate decisions made by a prior Council.

Francis’ of late, as the 2nd image demonstrates, is obsessed by Vatican II.

Convoking a Vatican III to ratify the pope’s desires would be a great idea.

There is, however, one PROBLEM. A Vatican III, especially given the growing discord within the Church, might go totally OFF THE RAILS!

Rather than building upon what was agreed upon at II the III MIGHT decide to discard some of the Vatican II thinking.


But, wouldn’t it be worthwhile, especially now?

So, many diverse issues confronting the Church. So, why not get all the prelates together, again, & get them to have a candid soul-searching followed by some VOTES to see what the consensus is. It is possible that there is NO consensus, on anything, but the voting alone would be telling.

Yes, it would be a COSTLY, labor-intensive & complicated affair.

Folks will claim the Vatican no longer has the money to organize a Council — which this time around might be attended by upwards of 4,000 prelates. But, the Catholic Church still is the richest institution in the known solar system. Sell a few dozen items tucked away in the numerous basements & we will be all set. Or maybe a just a few of the real estate in London & Rome.

More to the point is whether today’s (reorganized) curia has the expertise & WILL to pull off a Vatican III. If you know your Vatican history you will know that ‘John XXIII‘ was blessed with a cadre of exceptional lieutenants who worked miracles to make Vatican II a reality. Does Francis have similar? Many will say ‘NO’.

This will be a MAJOR coup for Francis. It will be his crowning glory. He will forever be the pope that convoked Vatican III. Without that Francis legacy will be that of a spluttering papacy.

There is a chance that Francis will not be around when the Council starts. That is NOT a problem. But, him CONVOKING it will also GREATLY INFLUENCE the next conclave! That too is NOT a bad idea.

So, think about it.