Tag Archives: vaccinations

I Got Vaccinated Up The Ying-Yang Today: COVID Booster, RSV & ‘Old Man’ Flu.

by Anura Guruge
on December 7, 2023

Click image to ENLARGE.

I don’t have a problem with — or getting — vaccines. Grew up getting vaccinated.

True, that I did NOT bother getting the Flu vaccination until I was in my 60s. But, I got tired of getting nagged to get it. So, I have been getting the ‘old man’ flu vaccination, annually, around this time, for the last 6 or 7 years.

I also want to be as protected against COVID as I can. I am not going to take any chances. This was my 4th BOOSTER — but, I never got a proper shot to begin with because of my color. They were giving us non-whites saline solution to save on the vaccine — but telling us that we were all good. I am used to that.

First time getting the RSV. That one HURT. Stung. But that is OK. I am prone to chest infections. So, I will take any ‘cover’ I can.

German Man Who Got 90 COVID-19 Vaccination Shots Should Be Feted & Studied — NOT Prosecuted.

by Anura Guruge
on April 8, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ a few minutes ago.

Yes, I understand that it is illegal & he was doing it to make money. But, what desperation. Yes, I know people do worse to make money. But, talk about taking chances. Pretty close to Russian roulette. The next shot could have killed him!

But, it didn’t.

So, what does it tell us about the vaccine?

Is it effective? If you can take so many doses & still be ‘healthy’ what does it say about the vaccine.

This guy should not be prosecuted.

They should be studying him. Keeping him under observation. Testing his blood, urine etc., at least once a week. Come on. What a golden opportunity. We could not have got volunteers to do this.

So, please don’t squander this. Exploit it.