Tag Archives: Ukraine war

‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ & ‘Merlot’ Blend — Suits My Palate Well.

by Anura Guruge
on May 3, 2024

Click images to ENLARGE.

It would be stupid & disingenuous to deny it. It sure was the label that caught my eye — & you have to admit that it is provocatively eye-catching.

That it was Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot then piqued my interest. I am partial to both & they tend to be the two type I buy the most. Then, I read the back. “No Butts About it” made it irresistible. I had to get it. That they claimed it was ‘full bodied’ & ‘fruity’ was a bonus. Those are attributes I look for in a wine. So, I bought a bottle — in ‘Poughkeepsie‘, NY.

They are true to their words, no butts about it. Fruity, full-bodied & smooth. Goes down easily — which, alas, is a problem because I have severely cut back on my wine consumption after becoming pre-diabetic. I drink 1/6th of what I used to! I can no longer claim to be an alcoholic. Not happy about that. I liked being an alcoholic. Well …

Give it a try. If you like red wine I am sure you will enjoy it.


Will ‘Emmanuel Macron’ Be The New — MUCH NEEDED — Churchill?

by Anura Guruge
on May 3, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. News snippets from ‘Google News‘.

Macron’s BOLD & far-reaching comments re. the war in Ukraine, over the last few days, have NOT got the coverage in the U.S. they merit. The media is too busy covering the stupid, pointless Trump court case — though I can assure you, today, that it will end up with a HUNG JURY.

Churchill agitated about Hitler for years AHEAD of WWII. People ignored him. Called him a warmonger. But, he was RIGHT. If not for him I would writing this in German!

Macron is doing the right thing. BRAVO. Way to go. He has spunk. I have always had a sneaking respect for him. Clever guy.

Now my respect for him has grown immensely. He is the only world leader we currently have who has the guts to tackle this problem. Biden is beyond weak. Such a disgrace & disappointment.

I am totally behind Macron.

Viva la de France. Viva la Macron.

We Are NOT Out Of The Woods When It Comes To U.S. Inflation — Extreme Weather & Russian Grain Ban Will Cause Food Prices To RISE AGAIN!

by Anura Guruge
on July 19, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

U.S. food prices, & with that U.S. core INFLATION, is bound to go up this Fall.

Think what this EXTREME WEATHER is doing to farming & crop production. I am surprised that we haven’t started seeing some price increases already. Some farms are scorched by the intense heat, others are under water. Either way it is not good for us consumers. FOOD PRICES HAVE TO GO UP. To think otherwise is to bury your head in the sand.

Then we have the never-ending Ukraine war & Russia’s latest ban on crop export. That too will hike up food prices.

So, those that think U.S. inflation is under control & on the way down are going to be in for a very rude awakening. Yes, it will take some time for these price increases to show up on inflation gauges such as ‘CPI’. It might take till nearly year end. Then we will AGAIN suddenly see a SPIKE in inflation & interest rates will AGAIN go up.

That is the thesis I am working on.

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