Tag Archives: UK riots

Why Aren’t The Week-Long Race Riots In The UK Not Getting The Worldwide Media Attention It Demands.

by Anura Guruge
on August 7, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. News stories from ‘Google News‘.

Very strange. As some of you know I listen to ‘BBC‘ news multiple times a day on ‘Sirius XM‘. This is BBC News from London. Typically they EXCEL at reporting relevant news stories from the UK. Not so the last week.

So much so that I think there is some sort of CENSORSHIP going on!

Yep, I kid you not. This morning they in passing mentioned that a few of the rioters from this past weekend had had their court hearings and had been jailed. That was it. They couldn’t wait to move on.

They spent hours talking about the situation in Bangladesh. Yes, that was serious, BUT what is happening in the UK is closer to home — & it could spread to other countries, especially if ‘Elon Musk‘ continues to fan the flames.

It is disturbing.

It appears that that BBC et. al. have been instructed to ‘keep the volume down‘. Not Good. Damages their credibility too.

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