Tag Archives: TV

‘Listen’ & ‘Look’: 2 Words Repeatedly Being Used By TV Talking Heads. Why? It Is Rude & Stupid.

by Anura Guruge
on July 23, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

Yes, I am a well known news junkie. I watch a lot of news on TV and listen to a lot of news on ‘BBC‘, ‘CNN‘ & ‘CNBC‘ on ‘Sirius XM‘. During the last year I have been struck, DAILY, by how often I heard talking heads repeatedly saying ‘listen’ & ‘look’ — as FILLERS — when they are talking. It is so stupid. Makes them sound stupid. Plus it is rude.

You even have seasoned pros like ‘David Axelrod‘ doing it, not occasionally, but all the time.

It is an affectation. A nervous tick. A filler. Seeking time to get their thoughts in order.

I find it very annoying and distracting. I wish TV station would make an attempt to somehow stop this stupid practice.

I Hope This NOT The Partial Remains Of The Deer We Rescued From The Lake!

by Anura Guruge
on January 15, 2024.

Click to ENLARGE.

This is just a PORTION of a deer. One leg and a bit. NOT what is left from a roadkill. Definitely looks like what was LEFT after the rest was ripped and EATEN. Maybe coyotes and we have coyotes and foxes.

Alas NOT far from the Lake from which we rescued the other deer.

I first saw these remains 3 days ago. It was fresh then, with a tinge of blood and no snow. But, I couldn’t take a picture that day because it was raining cats & dogs and I was trying to keep my phone dry.

I didn’t go past there yesterday. I did NOT expect to see the remains there today. Caught me by surprise. WOW.

Well I wanted to share with you. Keeping fingers crossed. The deer we rescued was very weak.

‘WMUR TV’ (Channel 9) Is Showing MY Deer Video From Yesterday.

by Anura Guruge
on January 5, 2024.

Click to ENLARGE. WMUR link.

Click to ENLARGE.

Two YouTube videos I took.

I had sent them the YouTube videos & they asked permission. Actually we had about a 6 e-mail exchange. They wanted to make sure.

This is cool.

I went and checked for the deer on the beach today. No sign of it. That is good. IT definitely got up, after the 2nd REST, and moved.

I Appear In The ‘Dean Phillips’ Campaign AD.

by Anura Guruge
on November 3, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

From ‘Google‘.

I saw that ‘they’ (high campaign staff) were FILMING us as we spoke (& walked back to his bus). I kind of had a HUNCH that I would appear in SOME campaign Ad. I am STILL a rarity in New Hampshire — a non-white.

I only appear FLEETINGLY in the Ad. You don’t even have to blink to miss the shot. But, that is OK. Glad it shows me deep in talk. So, as you can see it wasn’t a meaningless ‘meet-and-shake‘.

I liked him.

As I said that day itself, I would have NO PROBLEMS supporting him for President.

I could even CAMPAIGN for him — & I have NOT campaigned for ANYONE since Obama in 2012!

‘Lightning In A Bottle’ TV Ad. By Financial Heavyweights ‘CME Group’ Is Quite Arresting.

by Anura Guruge
on October 18, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to watch the video on YouTube or use embed below.

Another video that might provide some background, insights & color.

I do my best to avoid watching TV ads. I either change channels (& then come back) or (more often) Fast Forward because I am invariably watching TV on a slight delay. {That works well, because that lets me FF over Ads. (SMILE) (There is, ALWAYS, method to my madness.}

As it happens I glimpsed the end of this Ad as I was Fast Forwarding. The imagery of all those LIT JARS, even in FF, was powerful & arresting. It stopped me in my tracks! Every Ad creators dream. Getting a punter that hooked. I was captivated. I had to stop & rewind.

I, as an avid (near daily) option trader, am v. familiar with ‘CME Group‘. Plus, I see them or hear of them near daily on CNBC — the TV channel I watch most often. So, I didn’t need an introduction to them, their products or their ‘goals’.

“Opportunities can be hard to find. Like catching lightning in a bottle.”

That is the premise of this Ad. Clever. Well, it served its purpose. It got me to stop & watch. Actually it did MORE. It got me to talk about it! Wow! That is beyond the dreams of Ad. creators. Word of mouth {or in this case ‘Word of blog’}.

Well, it is cute & clever, & as you know I like to share such stuff with YOU. Enjoy.

Death Of Cricket Leg-Spin Legend ‘Shane Warne’, At 52, From A Heart Attack Is SOBERING.

by Anura Guruge
on March 4, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News.

I, living in the U.S. by then, did not have TV access to cricket during most of Shane’s heyday in International cricket. But, I sure followed his amazing exploits in print and on the radio (viz., BBC shortwave). Over the last few years I would hear him commenting frequently for TV coverage. I know I heard him quite recently, within the last two weeks. Yes, I know that during his playing career he was NOT a great fan of Sri Lankan cricketers. He was ultra competitive & a Sri Lankan was going to strip him of his proud, most Test wickets record.

That he is dead at 52, from a heart attack, is beyond amazing.

He, unlike, alas, so many other ex-crickets, Ian Botham a classic example, did not look unhealthy. To the contrary. He looked fit, trim, tanned & in decent shape. WOW. Yes, it is possible that it was genetic or his rather ‘wild’ lifestyle. But, the bottom line is that he is gone. That is hard to digest right now. He was so young.

I will miss hearing his voice, insights and analysis. His definitely was too short of an innings.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com