Tag Archives: truck

Helping Boys Be Boys.

by Anura Guruge
on July 9, 2023

Click images to ENLARGE.

This is my buddy (& neighbor) Anthony’s latest 4×4 ‘toy’. He is the son I don’t have!

He just got back from 4-days at a mud-racing event at the ‘Lebanon‘, Maine, ‘4×4 Proving Grounds‘. I heard him get back. I went to see what the truck looked like.

He was trying to get it up the ramps but the parking brake wasn’t working — at first. So, I offered to chock up the back wheels. Good plan — we both thought. We started with a large rock — the biggest that I could comfortably heft.

Well …. That didn’t go exactly as planned. Gravity can be so persistent. It worked for a minute or so, THEN it started rolling over the rock. Anthony, a REAL COOL DUDE, was not fazed in the slightest. As we follow the truck SLOWLY rolling into one of his other trucks (the red one) he keeps shouting at me: “Don’t stress, don’t stress … that truck is garbage!” Yup, it rolled into the red trunk with a very solid & satisfying THUNK. Anthony just looks at it & says maybe just the lights.

Well we lucked out. The lights didn’t break. Some minor damage to the grill, but you can’t even tell. Check the photo.

He then found a big chunk of wood — that he had cut earlier this year.

He also managed to FIX the Parking Brake. He is one heck of a mechanic. Handiest guy to have across the road!

So, he drove it up again. Brake held. I put the block of wood underneath. You can see it in the bottom picture. I found another smaller block of wood & chocked up the other back tire too. It held.

We were happy.

My daughter, who watched much of it from her window, commented when I came in: “boys will be boys“. I reminded her that this could have been her brother — my son. He used to quite the hell-raiser. But, he, UNLIKE HIS DAD, has grown up!

‘Lamberts Auto & Truck Recyclers’ (i.e., Junk Yard), Rochester, N.H. — Impressively Good. WOW!

by Anura Guruge
on September 28, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Their flyer. Their Facebook page.

OK, I will readily CONFESS. This is the FIRST junk yard I have EVER visited — let alone done business with. [Yes, I have led a very sheltered life.] So, I don’t have anything to compare them to on a truly apples-to-apple basis. But, on a purely business transaction basis, or that of selling car they, i.e., ‘Lamberts’ was good. AMAZING. I was blown away by their efficiency, courtesy, congeniality & professionalism.

So, today was the final piece of my 2022 car rationalization program. Got rid of two old cars & leased a new one, i.e., the Mazda CX-30 last week. So, now we have 3 new SUVs, all leased (not counting the 1969 MGB (under wraps in the garage) & the 1989 V-12 Jaguar XJS convertible (in storage)).

Last month I begrudgingly got rid of my beloved 2002 Jaguar XJ8. I just was not driving it.

Today, I got rid of the dog’s car. Yes, we had a car for wet dogs — a 2008 Ford Taurus. We beat on that car. It was filthy inside from the wet dogs. I also used it to haul garbage. It needed work. Its inspection sticker was running out in 2-days. It was NOT worth getting it fixed. So, I decided to have it junked.

I had NO experience, whatsoever, of junking a car previously — though over the last 4 decades I must have owned at least 40 cars. {Yes, I go through cars often, & have multiple cars at once.}

I looked around. Searched the Web. Saw a billboard — & took its picture.

Lamberts was the closest.

I saw that they CLAIMED that they were giving $600 for complete cars.

That is what they gave me. $600.

It, i.e., the Taurus, weighed in at 4,260 pounds –> 2.13 tons. So, per their $225/ton rate I should have only got $479.25).

BUT, THEY STUCK to what it said on their PROMO. I was impressed & amazed. I expected that I would have to do some haggling. NO. NOTHING. No haggling. SMILE.

The ladies in the office were super helpful, friendly & efficient. I was in-and-out with my cash, & a SMILE, in less than 10-minutes — & they even took my old plates off & handed them to me. What service.

I don’t think I will have a car to junk any time soon. But, I would like to go back. Would be a great place for taking my photos. WOW. I might just have to buy a junker so I can take it to them! It was THAT GOOD. Yes, I recommend them highly & unconditionally.