Tag Archives: Transcontinental Railway

Interesting Names: ‘Train’ (As A Surname) — Especially If You Help Build A MAJOR U.S. Railroad.

by Anura Guruge
on August 25, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia.

What a GREAT description!
I would LOVE (just LOVE) to be referred to as such.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From ‘Google’.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From ‘etymonline.org‘.

I came across the name in my ongong reading re. the construction of the ‘Transcontinental Railroad‘. I am on my THIRD book, in succession. At least one more to go. Had been on my READING bucket list for many years. The building off it & ALL of the machinations that was involved has intrigued me. Now, finally, I am getting to learn about it, slowly but steadily.

George Francis TRAIN (1829 — 1904), eccentric or not, was quite the character. He had made a vast fortune when he was still in his early 20s. His FIRST (of 3) trip around the globe is supposed to have been the basis for Jules Verne’s classic ‘Around the World in Eighty Days‘.

That HE, with that last name, was a key backer & promoter of the ‘Union Pacific Railroad‘ cracked me up. A ‘train’ helping build a train line. I had to look it up.

Interesting that the name & its application when it comes to transportation have TWO VERY DIFFERENT origins. See above. This is the stuff that intrigues I.