Tag Archives: trail

‘Instagram’ Driven Chaos At ‘Artists Bluff’, in New Hampshire, Is NOT Going To End Well.

by Anura Guruge
on October 27, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Boston Globe‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Entrance to the Bluff around this big boulder.

I know it well — as the above pictures from November 16, 2021 testify. I am very fond of it & invariably hike up to it if whenever I am up that way. In my books it is an easy, mindless hike & I basically sprint up in less than 15 minutes. Have to be a bit more cautious coming down. The trail, which is mainly smooth rock, tends to be slippery, especially if there is any moisture or snow on it. But, people tend to do crazy things. Last year I cautioned a teenage girl who was going to go up the trail, in slight snow, wearing HEELS!

The top, i.e., the Bluff, is also mainly exposed, smooth rock. Easy to slip. NOTHING to grab onto. Not a place you want to get jostled around. Whenever I have been up there it has been relatively uncrowded or totally empty. The folks that I have met up there {bar the girl in heels} tend to be sensible. They give others plenty of space at the top realizing that the footing could be treacherous.

A lot of teenagers up there, cavorting around, is not a good thing. It is quite the drop. I don’t think you could survive it. The authorities need to do something before it gets too crazy.

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