Tag Archives: trademark

‘The Pez outlaw’ (2022) ‘Netflix’ Movie Based On A True Story Is A HOOT — Though Parts Of It, The Legal Aspects, Don’t Make Sense.

by Anura Guruge
on January 25, 2023

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Click image to access the ‘IMDb.com’ listing for this comedy.

Watch the YouTube trailer.

This I continue to learn from ‘Netflix’.

I was never into Pez so had no idea that Pez dispensers are a billion dollar business & that there are legions of committed & RICH Pez collectors who will pay $3,000 for a single dispenser. WOW.

The movie, is a HOOT. A riot — though ironically the protagonist, the Pez Outlaw, ‘Steve Glew’ has serious, self-confessed mental issues including depression, anxiety, etc.

It was quite the eye opener & the production is very slick. It moves along nicely.

As someone who has a better than average understanding of patents, copyright, trademarks etc., there were parts in this movie that made no sense at all, at all to I.

The part that I have still been UNABLE to get an answer to is how was he able to get Pez factories in Eastern Europe to make dispensers for him — based on his designs. Yes, I get it that he paid $500,000 for the first order of these & that these factories ‘needed the money’. Lot of detail MISSING. Were these factories OWNED by Pez?

Did the colorful dispensers he had made have ‘Pez’ on them. That would be illegal. A clear trademark violation. The movie conveniently glossed over these issues. That was frustrating.

But I still enjoyed it. I really would like to know more about how he skirted or violated the legal boundaries.

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