Tag Archives: TLM

Is ‘Pope Francis’ Hell Bent On Forcing A SCHISM To Gain Notoriety In History?

by Anura Guruge
on June 26, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Totally banning the ‘Traditional Latin Mass’ (TLM) will cause fireworks in the Church — across the globe. There will be a schism — all we can speculate about is how BIG & far reaching it will be.

Not sure WHY Francis is trying so hard to force this issue.

It isn’t as if TLM is heresy or unacceptable. It was THE ‘Law of the Land’ for over 400 years. Wow.

The pope, looking mighty crotchety of late, is picking battles here, there and everywhere. Trying to excommunicate Vigano, antagonizing the Germans. There is no need. He sure doesn’t look like he had that many years left. Why not let sleeping dogs lie?

But, I suspect Francis wants to go out as a pope that will be TALKED ABOUT, MUCH, in years to come.

As the last Pope to have caused a schism would sure give him that wish.