Tag Archives: tick

THIRD Tick Of 2023 In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on May 28, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

So, the THIRD one in the last 5 days.

Yes, Yes, YES. I know the dangers. But, alas, it is an occupational hazard. I have to AMBLE daily & I live basically in the woods.

I have been TRYING to stick as much as I can to asphalt. But, I still have to do some ambling on ‘grass’. The dogs expect that from I — & I will NOT let them down. I have my pants tucked in & I check my socks etc. I also try not to go anywhere near branches.

I could be getting them second hand from the dogs.

They are on those EXPENSIVE ‘Simparica TRIO‘ pills. They have been on those pills for 3 years. They seem to work in that tick do NOT seem to attach themselves to the dogs. They just stay on the fur. That is a problem. The ticks FALL OFF — or they get on me.

I have suffered tick bites for over 18 years. I keep on hoping I have built up some resistance against Lyme. But, I dread that it will only be a matter of time. We are EXPERTS on Lyme in this household {alas}.

So, a heads up. The ticks are BACK. The ticks are here. Damn!

They are, however, from what I can see, a tad later than in 2023. I could be wrong on that.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

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Picked 10 Ticks Off One Dog Today (In Central New Hampshire, i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on May 8, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Not all of them, just 6. The other 4 were picked slightly earlier, outside & disposed off then & there.

The 9-year old ‘Harrier’ who had the 10 ticks on him.

Click to ENLARGE. The very effective & EXPENSIVE tick medication that both dogs are on.

It, alas, is that time of year. The ticks are back & they are back with a vengeance. Started encountering them last week.

Today I, by & large, I kept to the (dirt) road to avoid running into too many ticks. While I stick to the road the dogs do roam as I let them off leash since we basically are walking in the woods. As far as we can tell there were no ticks on I. I was even ROLLED OVER with a lint-roller. No ticks.

Not so with ‘Braxton‘ our Harrier. He is mainly white & has short hair. You can see ticks on him. That is how we managed to pick off 10.

Rowen‘, our 2-year old Newfie probably has a lot on her too BUT it is impossible to see given her long, thick, shaggy coat. She will be dropping off ticks all over the house!

Both dogs are on ‘Simparica‘ — & have been for the last 2+ years. Simparica seems to work. Certainly a damn sight better than ‘Frontline Plus‘. Ticks don’t attach or IF THEY do they die. That is what we have found so far. We do keep a very close eye on the dogs & do check them.

But that is the story as of today. The ticks are here. Glad we have the dogs on medication. I WISH I COULD TAKE SOMETHING TOO FOR THE DAMN TICKS!

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

First Tick Of 2023 In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on April 15, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Just one (so far), & I only felt it, crawling on my neck just under the hairline around 10:40pm. Had not had a chance to attach. For that I am grateful. It was small. I suspect that I might have got it from one of the two dogs.

Yes, of course, I was out ambling this morning & I did do some trampling along a wooded trail. It could have got in my hair then, from a tree.

Much earlier than last year. Last year it was mid-May before I encountered any. But, the last two days have been exceptionally warm.

So, a heads up. The ticks are BACK. The ticks are here. Damn!

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

I Had 9 Ticks On Me Today; In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on May 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Just two of the nine. I did not have the time nor inclination to take pictures of the others. Too busy getting rid of them. The one of the left, was on my hat. There were 4 others on the hat.

This was pretty amazing, SCARY & discouraging.

Just yesterday I found the first tick of 2022 on I — as opposed to one of the dogs.

Then, today — nine. 9. NINE?

Not amused.

But, it was MY FAULT. I had not factored them in. Given that I had not encountered one till yesterday, I was NOT thinking ‘ticks’. So, today, I had gone into the woods &, moreover, had done some scrambling about in the brush! I was looking for moss! My mistake.

First saw one on my hat. It was moving & the movement caught my eye. That is the first picture above.

4 on my body. Found three still scurrying about. Got those off BEFORE my shower. Then, while on my PC, head started itching. Yes, you got it. Yes, it was a tick, & it was kind of semi-attached. I yanked it off with a chunk of hair.

I get a dozen or more tick bites a year — & have done for years.

Not sure IF I have acquired any immunity. I hope so.

But, what can I do. I live in New Hampshire & do a LOT of walking on rural roads & trails.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

The 1st Tick Of 2022 On I; In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on May 13, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. One I picked off my neck this morning & put on top of my tablet
so I can take a picture.

Click to ENLARGE. Tick me picked off our Newfie, ‘Rowen‘ on April 3, 2022.

Picked the first tick of 2022 off a dog 7 weeks ago.

Unlike the dogs, I don’t take any pills or wear a collar for ticks.

I do try to wear some clothes for a degree of protection.

But, that hadn’t worked today — after our usual, daily walk. I felt something on my neck. I knew at once what it was. I picked it out. And that is the story. SMILE.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com