Tag Archives: Third Party

I Can TOTALLY Support ‘Dean Phillips’ For President. Talked With Him For 10-Mins. Today. Very Impressive.

by Anura Guruge
on October 28, 2023

From ‘Google‘.

I lucked out (as is my wont). I was in ‘Laconia‘, this afternoon, at the same time he was. And I there are a FEW people in ‘the party’ who know me. They arranged for me to talk with him. He was heading back to his bus. I walked with him (in a light rain shower).

He assured me, right up front, that he will NOT run against Biden.

That was PARAMOUNT. I will NOT support a Third-Party candidate or anyone who plans to run against Biden.

We CANNOT — WE CANNOT — afford to have the vote SPLIT. We need every single vote.

Once that was out of the way, we had a good, productive — albeit short — chat.

He is impressive. Very personable. Very much a PEOPLE PERSON. He connects well.

Talks well. Has presence.

And he is YOUNG. He is FIT. Wow.

I can — AND WILL — support him. IF he becomes the CANDIDATE I will campaign for him, tirelessly (& with my pocketbook) like I did for ‘Obama‘ in 2008 (Primary & Election) & 2012.