Tag Archives: Theodor Sauer

“20/20” Audio/eBook By ‘Carl Goodman’ Is Sheer Brilliance, A Tremendous Story — The Author Is A GENIUS!

by Anura Guruge
on December 4, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE. This is the ‘Amazon’ listing.

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I am LISTENING to this book, riveted & in absolute awe, on ‘Audible‘ during my daily, 2-hour amble in the morning. WOW. WOW! What a book.

I happened to see it on the Audible ‘Plus Catalog’ (i.e., ‘free’ depending on your Audible membership) & the title ’20/20′ caught my eye. Cataract surgery, this time last year, & that disturbing ‘vitreous detachment‘ on my left eye 3-weeks ago. Anything & everything to do with VISION is of interest to I. This book, actually, does go into a fair amount of detail about cataract lens replacement. I, however, do not think that the ‘Fresnel’ lens he talks about is the same as the Toric lenses I had. I am, however, familiar with Fresnel lenses thanks to my interest in lighthouses.

The story is very clever & gripping. I haven’t finished listening to it, BUT I wanted to give you all a heads up. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

However, what is more amazing is the author, ‘Carl Goodman’. Don’t know him. But, would like to. I think he, like I, is a Brit. But, unlike I, he is a bloody genius. The variety of expertise that he tackles with aplomb, at a degree of detail that is astounding, should leave you in awe. Yes, given my computer background I can follow, appreciate & enjoy all of the computer related jargon — including SQL. But, he covers so many other topics with the same amount of depth & detail. WOW. I am in awe.

I can’t BELIEVE that this book is NOT available as a paperback. I was going to buy a copy for my BRILLIANT cataract surgeon, Dr. Theodor Sauer, as a Christmas present. Maybe I can convince the author to do the paperback. I could even do it for him — given that I can publish paperbacks in my sleep.

Anywho. GREAT BOOK. Check it out. Amazing author. Check him out. I have already downloaded his other book.

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