Tag Archives: The Son

‘The Son’ By ‘Philipp Meyer’ — Quite The Story By An Incredible Writer Who May Be Nearly As Good As ‘Larry McMurtry’.

by Anura Guruge
on August 2, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For Amazon listing.

Click to ENLARGE. For Amazon listing.

Audible‘ knowing my infatuation with ‘Larry McMurtry‘ showed me ‘Philipp Meyer’ as a recommendation. I am so glad that they did.

Earlier this year, I bought & listened to ‘American Rust‘ (above). I loved it. Went looking for another of his books & got ‘The Son’.

Wow. Quite the story.

I, however, have to tell you that this book, at the start, was difficult to follow because I was listening to it — rather than reading it. As I have repeatedly pointed out listening to a book is so, so very different to reading it. When you are listening you can’t easily go back to check on what you read earlier. Yes, of course, you can rewind but it is not as easy.

Until you get into the flow of things, I found it difficult to put all the characters together. Then it all fell into place.

One heck of a story.

The amount of research that would have been required to write this story is staggering & humbling. Bravo, Philipp. YOU deserve all the success, fame & fortune YOU must be getting — especially now that this book has been made into TV series. It has also won numerous awards.

I am glad I listened to it. The ONLY PROBLEM is that there is nothing more at present. He has only written two books so far, & I have listened to them both.

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