Tag Archives: The railway men

‘The Railway Men’ (2023) Indian Miniseries On ‘Netflix’: Interesting Story Makes Up For POOR Production.

by Anura Guruge
on November 23, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

I, of course, remember the ‘Union Carbide’ ‘Bhopal’ disaster. How could you not. I, however, was NOT that familiar with all the details and machinations. Had NO IDEA, whatsoever, about this RAILWAY angle. As such I kind of ‘enjoyed’ watching this 4-part miniseries. Definitely worth watching to get SOME of the facts.

Alas it was poorly made. NOT up to Indian Bollywood standards. I am surprised.

Let me just HIGHLIGHT these points:
>> the computer animation/graphics of the TRAINS is APPALLING. Childish. Really, really, really bad. It is so bad that it is like a caricature. LOW BUDGET. That really spoilt my enjoyment. I love trains. I want them to be shown ACCURATELY.

>> Also not sure whether the depiction of trains is HISTORICALLY accurate. At the end they splice in some real movie footage from 1984. Those show STEAM trains. In the Series all they show are badly rendered diesels.

>> Makes out like everything revolved around the railways. That was NOT realistic.

>> Left a TON of unanswered questions.

So, I felt that it only scratched the surface, BUT I learnt a LOT about one angle that I had no idea about.

Just remember that the production is POOR. Shame.